Lantik kluster penyamun untuk pantau GLC...

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Lantik kluster penyamun untuk pantau GLC...

Bila dapat kat dia, alasannya MP-MP nak memantau. Kita lantik pengerusi GLC ini utk bangunkan GLC bukan makan gaji dan elaun sekadar jadi tukang pantau. Ingat mandor estate ke?

Dr. Mohd Zuhdi Marsuki, meh sini ana ajar enta dunia korporat. Yang memantau syarikat korporat termasuk GLC bukan Pengerusi GLC. Yang memantau ialah auditors. Setiap GLC telah melantik Group Internal Auditor dan External Auditor mcm KPMG, EY, PWC dan sebagainya. 

Bukan kerja Pengerusi GLC nak pantau syarikat ni. Balun duit syarikat lagi ada. Kalau tak reti sehabuk bab korporat, pegi tipu walaun PAS cukup laa. Pehe dop? - Ariff Kadir Al-Katami

Dulu bukan main lebai berkokok kononnya GLC ini elok diserahkan kpd golongan teknokrat dan profesional bukan orang politik. Sekarang, apa jadi? Senyap sepi bila dpt jawatan.
Imej mungkin mengandungi: 1 orang, teks mungkin yang mengatakan 'BERNAMA BERNAMA.COM Beyond Headlines EKONOMI Penutupan 50 GLC Terengganu jimatkan RM150 juta setahun MB'

Alohhh laaa lebai kelarah oiii..nk menipu kelentong pun,gunalah logik akal sikit..Nak pantau GLC tu,kalau reti?Apa ilmu yg geng2 bengap kamu ada berkaitan dgn GLC yg nk dipantau?Ilmu tunggu Gaji dan Elaun?Bongok tu biarlah bertebing..

Nak pantau konon..Habis tu yg ranap segala GLC di Kelantan ngeri geng2 kamu tu,hasil drp geng2 kamu pantau kot?

a. Komplek Perkayuan Kelantan yg bina sejak 26hb Jan 1979,tp skrg dah tergadai..siapa yg pantau?
b. Hotel Perdana di KB,siapa yg jual?
c. Perdana Resort,PMBK Sawit,Rumah Sri Kelantan,Tanah Lembah Sireh dan Tanah PMBK,di mana srkg?Siapa yg pantau semua itu?Semuanya di negeri Kelantan..Takkan Dap juga yg pantau dan tadbir?
d. Cukup2lah jual kelentong dan auta merata tempat..Kamu ingat semua org kamu blh tipu?

Terdedah segala pembohongan dan hipokrasi yang cuba disembunyikan selama lima tahun kebelakangan ini. - f/bk
Jangan bermain2 semasa PKP...

Tak sampai hati nak share video sekumpulan anak-anak yang dikepung anggota polis sebab keluar dan berlonggok waktu PKP. Kalau siar mungkin memalukan mak bapa, tapi video itu sangat cute pada aku.

Anak-anak kampung memang cute, mereka suka bermain, suka ikut kawan-kawan dan kadangkala akan pergi jauh dari rumah mereka. Itulah kebebasan mereka dalam dunia mereka yang menyambah pengalaman masa kanak-kanak.

Cara brader polis itu menggempaq mereka juga sangat lembut dan berkasih sayang. Polis bukannya nak bertindak pun, cuma gertak supaya mereka cuak, lagipun anak-anak kampung mana reti bab wabak, covid19, perintah kawalan pergerakan dan sebagainya. 
Dalam jiwa dan keinginan mereka hanya untuk bermain dan berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan.

Sewajarnya inilah masa yang amat sesuai untuk para ibu bapa rapat dengan anak mereka, menerangkan secara mudah apa itu wabak, kenapa kerajaan halang keluar melepak dan pendekatan agama bagaimana menghadapi suasana wabak.

Anak-anak aku walaupun dah akil baligh dan telah bekerja, hal pertama aku cakap ialah apa saranan dan larangan Nabi ketika wabak menyerang, kenapa larangan solat jemaah ketika hujan lebat dan semasa wabak. Lepas mereka faham, aku lihat anak aku tak ada lagi fikir McD, lepak KFC, pergi mall untuk shopping dan sebagainya.

Balik ke anak-anak tadi, aku terharu dan sebak juga bila brader polis tu borong semua kueh kipap yang salah seorang anak-anak itu buat jualan. 
Nampak jelas, polis dan masyarakat berpisah tiada. Jika tersasar mereka mendidik yang tidak tahu asas undang-undang dan peraturan dan berikan petunjuk supaya patuhi perintah pihak kerajaan.

Memang bertugas di kawasan kampung atau di bandar, cabarannya berbeza. Namun kemesraan anggota polis dan orang awam menjadi pemangkin untuk kita daulatkan negara kita untuk patuhi undang-undang. 
Selamat bertugas kepada barisan hadapan polis, tentera dan pasukan beruniform lainnya. Semoga terhindar dari terkena wabak membunuh sekarang ini. - Abg Aim
Imej mungkin mengandungi: 6 orang, teks
A return to the dark days of UMNO...

The Covid-19 pandemic has not stopped backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin from continuing his relentless quest to consolidate power by pushing out appointees of the former government in key agencies and GLCs and replacing them with his own supporters.

To some extent, this is understandable; Pakatan Harapan did the same. What is shocking, however, is the way these appointments are being dished out and the calibre of the people who are being appointed. The power play has become so blatant that all Perikatan Nasional members of parliament are now set to be appointed heads of GLCs or other agencies (according to media reports quoting Takiyuddin Hassan, minister in the Prime Minister’s Department).

Clearly, Muhyiddin is throwing all caution to the wind in a frenzied effort to secure the support of his MPs before parliament reconvenes; he’s purchasing their loyalty with high-paying patronage appointments. It is the most crude, unscrupulous and blatant abuse of power we’ve ever seen. What is equally troubling is that Muhyiddin is putting some of the key but troubled agencies into the hands of political appointees who are simply not up to the task of providing the kind of leadership that these agencies desperately need.

Take, for example, the appointment of Machang MP and former deputy minister of rural and regional development, Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub, as chairperson of FELDA. He replaces the highly respected, experienced and apolitical Bakke Salleh who was seen by industry players as a steady hand at the helm of an agency with serious legacy issues. In making the appointment, officials said that Jazlan’s “experience would help to boost the sustainable development of the palm oil industry.” Really? What exactly is his experience? 
A lifelong UMNO political hack, Jazlan’s career has been distinguished only by its mediocrity though he did briefly make headlines when he complained that there were too many homosexuals in Kelantan (as reported in the Star, 3rd March 2017). And now he gets to play a lead role in one of the country’s most important sectors for which he will be paid handsomely, of course. With more than 5.9 million hectares under cultivation and smallholders contributing 40% of the country’s oil palm production, it is a sector that affects the lives of thousands of people.

Many will no doubt remember that it was UMNO cronies who made a complete mess of FELDA the last time they helmed the agency, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill for all the corruption, profligacy and mismanagement that occurred. If there’s one thing the FELDA fiasco should have taught us, it is the absolute folly of putting politicians in charge of such agencies. It is a lesson that Muhyiddin now seems willing to put aside for the sake of political expediency.

Astonishingly, Takiyuddin sought to justify the appointment of MPs to head GLCs with the mindboggling argument that they are “all qualified” by virtue of being MPs. Being elected an MP doesn’t suddenly make a person wise, highly qualified and capable of helming  important economic portfolios.

The asinine ideas of some of these parliamentarians – flying cars, black shoes, spoonfuls of palm oil, air suam, Doraemon and Tik-Tok, to name a few – should at least tell us something about their leadership abilities. Besides, going by the trials now underway, some of the most corrupt people in the country are also parliamentarians.

At a time when the nation is faced with both a grave health crisis and growing economic challenges, at a time when we need the brightest and the best to be in charge, we have the great misfortune of having a cabinet of self-serving, power-hungry deadbeats  and doraemons, and now, clueless political hacks heading up GLCs and key agencies.

Muhyiddin and his coalition of double-dealers brought down the government we elected; now they are jeopardising the nation’s economic future as well with these ill-advised and reckless appointments. There should be no doubt that we are now fully returned to the dark days of the UMNO era. As soon as the pandemic is over, it will be incumbent on us all to mobilize once more in a great struggle to oust this backdoor government at the next election. - Dennis Ignatius 

Xavier Naxa #DudukRumah on Twitter: "This government may not be ...
“Government that cares for 
you and its MPs too”...

Aabout a week ago Focus Malaysia reported that more Perikatan Nasional MPs would be offered plum chairmanships of government linked companies (GLCs) as Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin endeavours to strengthen his grip on power ahead of any eventualities when Parliament is finally convened.

A number of high profile sackings and resignations at GLCs seem to point towards this plan being in motion, although Pakatan Harapan leaders have assured Muhyiddin there will be no motion of confidence tabled when the Dewan Rakyat convenes.

Instead they call for the sitting to be expedited to validate the stimulus packages announced by the government and to consolidate non-partisan efforts in the face of the economic and health crisis forced upon the nation by Covid 19. As the days went by, PAS began congratulating some of its MPs who had received appointments.

Yesterday, PAS secretary general Takiyuddin Hassan confirmed that all PAS MPs who were not appointed as ministers, deputy ministers or special envoys, would be handed charimanships of GLCs, stating that they were all qualified as they were members of parliament. This contradicts PAS’ stand when Pakatan Harapan was inpower.

We received a list, which was spread over Whatsapp, of Umno and Bersatu MPs who were expected to helm GLCs. Some of them seemed to be confirmed, such as Sabak Bernam MP Fasiah Mohd Fakeh’s appointment to chair the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO or Perkeso in BM), although Malaysiakini did report some compliance issues in this appointment. Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub’s appointment as MPOB chairman corresponded with the purported list, after former chairman Zakri Khir tendered his resignation. 

Excerpts from the FocusM report here:

The Malaysian Reserve reported on April 3 that Dr Nungsari Radhi stepped down from Khazanah Research Institute. Nungsari is also Malaysian Aviation Commission executive chairman.

Other leadership changes include the termination of Datuk Noripah Kamso as Bank Rakyat chairman on April 3. Her contract was due to expire only in December this year.

On April 1, Malay Mail reported that Datuk Noor Farida Mohd Ariffin had been removed as Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) chairman. Her entire board was sacked, too. Noor Farida had been replaced by Datuk Nelson Renganathan, the chairman of Regent International School and former MIC Youth chief. 

News portal Free Malaysia Today also reported today that Mohamad Nageeb Ahmad Abdul Wahab’s job as Felcra chairman was also hanging in the balance. – April 7, 2020

And yesterday,, reports surfaced about the potential of Pengerang MP Azalina Othman Said set to replace DAP’s Teluk Intan MP Nga Kor Ming as the deputy speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, also as stated in the list circulating via Whatsapp.

Among other interesting predictions set by the list is the number one sought after GLC post, that of the Petronas chairman, vacant following the resignation of Hassan Merican last month in the wake of Perikatan’s political coup, which the list alleges is to be filled by Gua Musang MP and Umno veteran Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah.
Among the high-profile appointments alleged by the circulating list is that of Arau MP Shahidan Kassim to head Felda Global Ventures (FGV), the international arm of the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), which itself is alleged to be set to be headed by Besut MP and former Higher Education Minister Idris Jusoh.

Talk is that Umno stalwart and former Kedah Menteri Besar Mahdzir Khalid is set ot be the Telekom Malaysia chairman, and this also corresponds with the list of allegations circulating on Whatsapp.

Other allegations made by the list are that about Tanjung Karang MP Noh Omar to head shipping giant MISC, while the bigger allegation made is about UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hassan to head Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), seen more to consolidate Umno’s support, as Tok Mat is not an MP, but Rantau assemblyman.

Another allegation concerns Tabung Haji, the bodies mired by yet unresolved controversy, which is alleged set to be headed by Sabah Bersatu chief Hajiji Mohd Nor, the Sulaman assemblyman, who is another non-MP made part of the list of allegations.

Interestingly, these appointments are set to come after Muhyiddin announced the stimulus package for Covid 19, which included relief packages for citizens affected financially by the Movement Control Order (MCO), with the first phase of monetary aid disbursed last week.

“I know that this is not a government that you elected, but I want you to know that this is a government that cares about you,” Muhyiddin announced after detailing the length and breadth of the aid to be disbursed to the people, although the execution of the GLC power consolidation plan seems to have been executed with as much urgency. 

With chairmanships running on monthly wages in the tens of thousands or more, Perikatan Nasional MPs have no reason to question how much more Muhyiddin cares about them either.–

Imej mungkin mengandungi: 7 orang, teks
Sketsa kerajaan tebuk atap Penyamun Nasional (PNipu) lepas buat 
u-turn kantoi dengan kebebalan menteri rambut stail longkang.

Imej mungkin mengandungi: 2 orang, orang berdiri dan teks

Imej mungkin mengandungi: teks

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