Bubar DUN Selangor,kerja2 persempadanan kan terbatal...

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Bubar DUN Selangor,kerja2 persempadanan kan terbatal...

Ia akan menjadi “langkah bijak” oleh kerajaan negeri Selangor untuk membubarkan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) untuk menangkis kesan daripada persempadanan semula kawasan pilihan raya yang memberi kelebihan kepada Barisan Nasional (BN), kata penganalisis.

Mengulas mengenai perbalahan pelaksanaan persempadanan semula oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), penganalisis berkata mengadakan Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) sebelum PRU yang perlu diadakan sebelum Ogos, boleh juga memberi kelebihan kepada Pakatan Harapan (PH) di Selangor.

Kerajaan negeri PH pada masa ini dalam pertarungan undang-undang dengan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) berhubung persempadanan semula di kawasan pilihan rayanya. 
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Ketua pengajian politik Penang Institute, Wong Chin Huat berkata pelaksanaan persempadanan semula itu dijangka akan berpihak kepada BN tetapi PH dapat menangkisnya jika DUN dibubarkan sebelum PRU diadakan. 

“Jika DUN Selangor dibubarkan esok, PRN perlu diadakan dalam tempoh dua bulan, dan daftar pengundi sedia ada yang akan digunakan. Persempadanan semula akan ditewaskan dengan bijak,” katanya kepada The Malaysian Insight.

“Jika Azmin (Menteri Besar Selangor Mohamad Azmin Ali) membubarkan DUN Selangor untuk mempercepatkan pertarungan, bukan saja beliau mempunyai peluang lebih besar untuk kemenangan penuh, tetapi akan dilihat sebagai pemimpin berani dan berstrategi.

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“Menteri besar dan ketua menteri pembangkang selama ini menurut arahan BN dalam mengadakan PRU. Azmin boleh tunjukkan bahawa beliau bukan sekadar MB pembangkang seperti yang lain.”

Terdapat 22 kerusi Parlimen dan 56 kerusi DUN di Selangor. Wakil rakyat PH mencabar pelaksanaan persempadanan semula kerana mereka berpendapat mereka mungkin kalah pada PRU14, jika ia dilaksanakan. Baca seterusnya...

Hold Selangor polls now to beat re-delineation

Selangor, won’t hold state polls now

Dr.M - Saya nak jumpa Anwar 
1 minit saja,tapi Najib takut...

1. Saya tidak dapat menziarahi Dato’ Sri Anwar di Hospital Cheras. Saya diberitahu Menteri Dalam Negeri telah mengarah pejabat penjara supaya tidak membenar saya ziarah Dato’ Sri Anwar.

2. Saya kecewa dan sedih. Apakah yang sudah jadi pada negara kita ini. Tidak pernah mana-mana Perdana Menteri Malaysia sebelum ini melarang sebarang lawatan untuk berjumpa pesakit atau banduan, samada ia ahli politik atau orang biasa. Saya, semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri, tidak pernah menghalang mana-mana banduan, termasuk Dato’ Sri Anwar, diziarahi oleh sesiapa.

3. Tetapi sekarang sudah ada arahan ini khusus bagi saya.

4. Tujuan saya menziarah hanya untuk ucap terima kasih kerana Anwar telah bersetuju dengan cadangan Pakatan Harapan untuk saya dinamakan calon Perdana Menteri jika kami menang.

5. Dalam gabungan empat buah parti ini, kita bersetuju semua keputusan dibuat secara konsensus iaitu dengan dipersetujui oleh semua empat parti. Jika ada mana-mana satu parti tidak bersetuju, keputusan tidak akan diterima sebagai keputusan Pakatan Harapan.

6. Apabila saya dicalon sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri untuk Pakatan Harapan, tiga buah parti bersetuju, tetapi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak membuat keputusan.

7. Namun pada saat terakhir PKR bersetuju. Saya percaya masa yang panjang yang diambil oleh PKR ialah kerana tidak senang dengan saya, yang menjadi PM diwaktu Anwar dipenjara.

8. Memendek cerita akhirnya PKR bersetuju. Saya percaya persetujuan ini adalah oleh kerana pengasas PKR, Dato’ Sri Anwar dapat mengatasi perasaannya dan mengutamakan kepentingan negara lebih dari perasaan diri sendiri. Jelas Anwar, seperti semua kami dalam PH mengutamakan penyingkiran Najib lebih mustahak dari permusuhan antara kami dahulu.

9. Bukan mudah bagi Anwar terutamanya. Tetapi jelas Anwar utamakan negara lebih dari dirinya.

10. Parti-parti lawan tidak pernah mengalahkan gabungan 13 buah parti dalam BN. Sebabnya ialah kerana parti lawan tidak dapat betul-betul bekerjasama antara mereka.

11. Hanya jika ada pakatan yang kuat hasil keikhlasan dalam bekerjasama antara parti lawan, barulah mereka berkemungkinan kalahkan BN.

12. Dengan Keadilan memenuhi syarat konsensus empat buah parti lawan, kemenangan PH menjadi lebih cerah.

13. Sebab itulah saya ingin ucap terima kasih sendiri kepada Anwar. Saya perlu hanya satu minit sahaja untuk berjumpa, tidak lebih. Tidak ada niat bercakap berkenaan politik.

14. Lagipun semua orang tahu perlantikan saya akan menentukan kekalahan Pakatan Harapan. Bukankah Institute of Strategic and International Studies Senior Fellow Sholto Byrnes telah berkata pencalonan saya bermakna Pakatan telah ambil satu langkah kebelakang. Apalah nak takut sangat perjumpaan saya dengan Anwar. Tentulah ia akan jadi satu lagi langkah kebelakang oleh Pakatan Harapan. - chedet

Image result for Malaysia’History of Election Rigging...
Malaysia’s Long History of Election Rigging...

In many countries in Southeast Asia, having elections is a meaningless exercise; in the end, the same party always ends up ruling the state.

Malaysia is a prima facie example. The quality of elections in Malaysia has been poor, primarily because of the practices of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition. Methods such as gerrymandering, misuse of institutional tools, elite cohesion pacts, and malapportionment have been used to retain power in the past – including by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, just tapped by the opposition as their candidate. With that in mind, it’s worth looking at what Malaysian leaders have done to cling on to power in the past, while at the same time degrading the sanctity of elections in the region.
Image result for Gerrymandering, malapportionment,
Elections in Malaysia have become a one-sided affair over the years. The BN returned to power for the thirteenth time in 2013, and not solely because of the reforms they have carried out in Malaysia. Scholar Kai Ostwald, in his article “How to Win a Lost Election,” argued that methods such as gerrymandering – the manipulation of district boundaries to advantage one party — have been used by the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) to win elections. 

To create an additional district, the approval of two-thirds of the parliament is required and UMNO has always had a majority in parliament; thus from time to time they have redrawn district boundaries in their favor to capture the maximum number of votes, or to defy votes to the opposition. The fact that, as Ostwald points out, there were only 104 districts in Malaysia at the time of independence compared to 222 in 2013 speaks volumes about gerrymandering and the resulting quality of elections. 

In his article, Ostwald has further highlighted the use of malapportionment by the Barisan National coalition to gain seats in the parliament. Malapportionment is the manipulation of electoral district boundaries to the ruling party’s advantage, wherein the pro-government districts have fewer voters and pro-opposition districts have many more.

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Some amount of malapportionment is justifiable to improve the relationship between the representative and its constituents, and to give fair representation to Bumiputra people. But its excessive use by the UMNO has made the people lose faith in free and fair elections and derided the quality of it. In 2013, the use of malapportionment led to the incumbent BN winning 54 percent of parliamentary seats while losing the popular vote by a margin of around 4 percent. Ostwald insists that this has violated the “one-person, one vote” principle, that is fundamental to any democratic institution. Thus it has undermined elections at all levels.

This is made possible by a partisan election commission that has refrained from keeping checks and balances over political parties. The election commission is supposed to act as an ombudsperson, but the fact that the head of state appoints the civil servants makes it a prejudiced body. Such practices have hollowed out the essence of elections in Malaysia. Though elections may have been frequent, they have always been well prepared for in advance by the ruling party.

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Ostwald looked at the 2013 elections; Jason Brownlee, in his article “Bound To Rule,” explores former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s practices for dominating both national and inter-party elections in Malaysia. Mahathir faced opposition from some factions of the UMNO in the 1980s.  

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Musa Hitam, two prominent members of the party, rallied against Mahathir and ran for party president and vice president. To counter this challenge, Mahathir “prevailed by distributing cabinet and party positions to undecided delegation leaders,” according to Brownlee. After he won the elections, however, he got rid of the seven people in his cabinet who were not his supporters.

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Later in the decade, Musa decided to run for reelection against the UMNO and gained ample support from his hometown. If Musa had succeeded, it could have been the biggest challenge to Mahathir’s political career. To counter this, Mahathir invited Musa Hitam and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to join his cabinet. “Through the party’s organs, Mahathir had wooed Musa and his partisans back before they could compete separately in the next parliamentary elections,” Brownlee explained. 

However, Mahathir still faced opposition from Razaleigh and his newly formed alliance. This time in 1990, Mahathir dissolved parliament earlier than expected and shortened the campaign time, which caused serious damage to the opposition.

Image result for malapportionment,

When the outcome is already apparent, elections hardly hold any value. Leaders in Malaysia have exploited the resources of the party and institutions and have made the most important part of democracies, the election, a secondary process.

Gerrymandering, malapportionment, and the misuse of institutional tools are all methods used by the ruling coalition to manipulate the electoral process. This has directly as well as indirectly degraded the quality of elections and has eroded the faith of scholars in the Malaysian electoral system. 

With Mahathir as the opposition candidate now, it will be interesting to see if this year’s elections will be fair and square or whether the Najib Razak government will degrade the electoral practice to a new low. - Shrish Srivastava,theDiplomat

Image result for umno in panic
UMNO In Panic,MCA Smiling,MIC Dont Know Lah. Sabah/S'wak Are Super Cool...

MO1 and entire family have gone to Saudi Arabia to suss out rat holes (laluan tikus) in case they have to flee in the night. That house in Koh Samui is also getting completed. Zaki something  are the project managers.

MO1 says he has paid for his family members' air passage. Paid to whom? You are flying by gomen jet. Who do you pay? Royal Malaysian Air Force which flies and maintains the planes?  Or you pay the Ministry of Transport? 

For the first time in the history of Malaysia, the Police conducted an exercise (a rehearsal) on how to evacuate the prime minister from Putrajaya in the event of mob riots. 

The Police practised evacuating the prime minister by helicopter !!  Surely the Police know somethings better than the rest of us.  All the MO1's ball carriers, butt lickers and ass wipers  better get ready.  

MO1 and his entire gang are going to abandon all of you.  They care as much for you as they would for bird droppings on their windshield.  They have stashed away their funds overseas, they have houses, helicopters and jetplanes waiting for them. What do you have? 

Here is the picture and the news report to prove it:  

I fully support if Pakatan Harapan wins the elections, that Mr Lim Kit Siang be made the Minister of Home Affairs.  All your useless butts are going to get kicked into jail.

Some folks in the know say the elections will be held after Chinese New Year.  The campaign period will be quite short - about 10 days. Which is very good.  We really do not need any longer campaign period.

UMNO is beginning to panic.  You can see it in the incessant attacks against Tun Dr Mahathir  as the PH's candidate for PM.  Despite some initial confusion by PKR, they are beginning to accept the common sense choice of Tun Dr Mahathir.  Its a no brainer really.  

Rafizi is spot on. Tun Dr Mahathir is going to help swing the hardcore UMNO Malay vote.  Win the elections first. 

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The MCA is smiling. They are about to be wiped out. But they are not worried. The ordinary MCA member will vote for DAP and PH  anyway. They have been playing the double game for a long time. MCA is business. DAP gets the vote. Plus they get to pull the plug on UMNO, whom they really detest. 

The MIC is not worth mentioning anymore. There is a SECOND SURPRISE brewing over the big  water.  I am not saying anymore. 

The FIRST SURPRISE (a little west of the SECOND) is going to be exciting enough.

Image result for 14th malaysian election

To make a long story short, make sure that helicopter is all fueled up and ready to fly off  in a jiffy.

For election night, my advise to UMNO is to have your Operations Room in an empty flight hangar at the LCCT.   Tell Tony to have a couple of planes fueled and warming up on the tarmac. 

In case UMNO loses the elections, then they can all make a quick getaway. Tony should collect cash upfront for the tickets. Only carry on baggage, must pay extra of course for nasi lemak bungkus. - ostb

Why did PM visit a 'convict'
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Image may contain: 11 people, people standing
Hangpa boleh kelilingi kaabah 2.6bilion kali pun,
gua tetap tak kan pangkah UMNO/PAS/BN...

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Teh O ais limau ikat tepi...

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