KR1M pun tak mampu jaga,nak "bantu" ekonomi US konon...

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KR1M pun tak mampu jaga,nak "bantu" ekonomi US konon...

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Pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak tentang hasrat kerajaan untuk ‘mengukuhkan ekonomi Amerika Syarikat’ melalui pelaburan sejumlah RM60 bilion di negara itu baru-baru ini mendapat kecaman berterusan pemimpin DAP.

Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyataan hari ini berkata, dana berbilion ringgit itu seharusnya digunakan untuk mengukuhkan ekonomi negara dan bukan sebaliknya.

“Bermacam-macam cara boleh dilakukan untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia dengan dana sebesar itu,” katanya.

“Sebagai contoh membantu Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) yang terpaksa ditutup sementara, membantu 100,000 peneroka Felda yang menghadapi krisis ekonomi atau 700,000 graduan yang gagal membayar hutang PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara).”

Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin seperti dilaporkan media semalam memaklumkan bahawa KR1M akan ditutup untuk sementara waktu bagi tujuan penambahbaikan.

Bagaimanapun ini bertentangan dengan kenyataan syarikat pengendali KR1M di bawah program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSI), Mydin Mohamed Holdings yang mendakwa mengalami kerugian yang besar.

KR1M yang ditubuhkan dan dirasmikan pada Jun 2011 bertujuan mengurangkan beban rakyat, selain membantu memasarkan produk pengusaha industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) tempatan.

Sementara itu, Felda Global Ventures Holding Bhd (FGV) turut mengalami kerugian mencecah RM10 bilion selain harga saham yang kian menurun – kerugian yang secara tidak langsung turut memberi kesan terhadap pendapatan peneroka.

“Tidak syak lagi, terdapat keperluan yang mendesak bagi membantu rakyat Malaysia yang terkesan ekoran penutupan KR1M di seluruh negara, malah ribuan peneroka serta graduan yang gagal membayar semula hutang PTPTN memerlukan perhatian yang serupa.

“Sudah tiba untuk Najib bangkit dan menyedari bahawa realitinya kerajaan Malaysia dan ekonominya malahan dirinya tidak mampu untuk mengukuhkan ekonomi AS, adalah menjadi tugasnya sebagai Perdana Menteri untuk mengukuh ekonomi negaranya sendiri,” tambahnya. –

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Berita ini tentunya amat menggelikan hati kerana ia muncul tidak berapa lama selepas Najib Razak berkunjung ke Amerika dengan tawaran mahu membantu mengukuhkan ekonomi negara tersebut.

Bagaimana dalam kita nak membantu Amerika, hakikatnya nak menguruskan kedai runcit pun kita tak upaya?

Kenapa setelah Mydin menarik diri, kerajaan begitu lembab mencari pengganti untuk menguruskan kedai runcit 1Malaysia?

Jika berkaitan 1MDB, begitu cepat tindakannya dan ribu-ribu juta sedia dihulurkan, malah bayaran sebanyak dua kali kepada IPIC pun sanggup dilakukan, mengapa untuk membantu kedai runcit 1Malaysia seolah-olah tak berdaya? - f/bk

Najib & Trump...

1. Sekembalinya Najib ke tanahair, bermacam-macam tohmah dan fitnah dilempar olehnya terhadap pengkritik lawatannya ke Amerika Syarikat. Saya diberi tempat utama dalam kempen fitnah ini.

2. Kononnya sambutan Trump kepadanya lebih baik dari sambutan kepada lawatan saya. Sebenarnya layanan terhadap Najib adalah yang terburuk sekali berbanding dengan layanan terhadap diri saya dan pemimpin-pemimpin lain semasa lawatan rasmi pertama kali pemimpin baru ke Amerika. Mengikut laporan akhbar dan media Amerika layanan terhadap Najib adalah seperti layanan terhadap “pariah”.

3. Saya melawat Amerika Syarikat secara rasmi selepas saya melawat Canada tiga tahun selepas menjadi PM. Pemerintahan Amerika Syarikat hantar pesawat khas Presiden ke La Guardia airport New York untuk penerbangan saya dan isteri ke Washington. Dari Pangkalan Udara Andrews saya diterbangkan dengan helikopter Presiden ke bandar Washington. Saya disambut oleh pegawai tinggi Amerika Syarikat dan bermotor ke hotel Willard Washington DC. Pada masa itu Blair House, tempat penginapan tetamu Kerajaan Amerika sedang diperbaiki.

4. Dua buah kereta “stretched” disediakan untuk saya ke White House yang dihias dengan bendera Malaysia dan Amerika Syarikat. Cermin gelap ditingkap kereta menghalang orang ramai daripada mengetahui kereta yang mana yang saya guna.

5. Bendera Amerika ternampak hampir semacam dengan bendera Malaysia. Dengan itu ramailah penduduk Washington terkeliru dan memikir kereta-kereta ini membawa Presiden AS. Mereka melambai tangan sepanjang jalan.

6. Saya bertemu dengan Presiden Reagan seperti biasa di hadapan “fireplace” dan mengadakan “small-talk” dengannya, Vice Presiden Bush (Senior) ada bersama.

Image result for mahathir meets us president reagan

7. Kemudian baru diadakan mesyuarat dua delegasi di bilik mesyuarat khas. Ini disusuli dengan makan tengahari dan press conference. Seluruh lawatan saya ke White House dirakam oleh jabatan Presiden Amerika Syarikat dan disimpan dalam Library Ronald Reagan. Video di sini. 

8. Saya juga mengadakan perjumpaan tidak rasmi dengan Presiden Bush (Senior) Presiden Bush (Junior), Presiden Clinton di Washington dan di lain-lain tempat. Biasanya saya membangkitkan soal minyak kelapa sawit dan sikap AS terhadap negara Islam.

9. Sebaliknya Najib disambut di Lapangan Terbang Washington oleh Duta Malaysia, tinggal di Hotel milik Trump yang terkenal amat mahal. Najib mengguna kereta Mercedes. Tidak ternampak kereta panjang yang diberi untuk lawatan Najib dan pertemuan dengan Trump hanya selama 30 minit. Tidak ada makan tengahari dan Press Conference.

10. Memandang bahawa masa perjumpaan begitu terhad iaitu hanya 30 minit, dan tawaran Najib kepada Trump begitu tinggi, berjumlah hampir 100 billion Ringgit, kos yang ditanggung oleh Malaysia ialah sebanyak 3.3 billion Ringgit (3.300,000,000 Ringgit) satu minit. Ini boleh jadi satu rekod dunia.

11. Anak Megat Junid, Megat Fairouz kata saya bayar bermillion kepada pelobi untuk berjumpa dengan Presiden Amerika. Ini kononnya diberitahu oleh bapanya Megat Junid.

12. Saya tidak tahu benar atau tidak kenyataan ini. Mungkin pegawai Wisma yang mengurus perkara lawatan saya yang tahu. Yang saya tahu tidak ada arahan dari saya untuk lobi. Tak apalah Fairouz, anak sahabat saya nak cari makan. Baca seterusnya di sini...

Why did MO1 shun US press if he has nothing to hide?

Jawapan Rafizi kpd pertanyaan Rizal Mansor...

Ahli parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli sudah menjawab lima soalan cepuemas yang dikemukakan oleh pegawai Rosmah Mansor, Rizal Mansor kepadanya.

Tetapi Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man masih belum menjawab lapan soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Mahathir Mohamad kepadanya.

Di sini sudah menjelaskan Rafizi lebih pantas bertindak ke atas apa yang ditunding kepadanya berbanding dengan Tuan Ibrahim.

Mungkin Tuan Ibrahim masih membelek kitab kuning dan hijau untuk mencari nas-nas dan dalil aqli dan naqli untuk menjawab persoalan Mahathir.

Awak apa tau? Kepada Tuan Ibrahim jangan jadi pelontar batu di malam hari kalau anda kebetulan memakai baju warna puteh.- f/bk

Image result for Beer Festival kuala lumpur
Not just the beer...

Why is the KL Better Beer Festival that has previously been held five times not allowed this year?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say that the beer fest is so important that we all must defend its existence. I have not attended any beer fest myself!

But, its existence at least proves one thing, that our society is tolerant and accommodating.

What I mean by accommodation is that you cannot force other people to do what they don't like to do, or stop them from doing what they want to do.

You can't force a person to attend the beer fest, but no one should stop you from attending it either, if you are not a Muslim and have passed the legal drinking age.

Our society used to be quite tolerant for the past several decades. While you don't like or accept something, you won't stop people from liking or accepting it.

And we used to take so much pride in such tolerance. Unfortunately, this merit is slowly dying off now.

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The Better Beer Festival is only one of many instances we've seen. If it can't be held this year, chances are there we may not see another beer fest on this land next year and the years after that.

Prior to this, we saw bans and restrictions on stage performances by specific foreign artistes, or cinemas were not allowed to operate in some places unless the lights were left on throughout screening or if male and female patrons were seated separately.

Male and female customers were also barred from lining up in the same queues behind the checkout counters at supermarkets, while shops had to remain shut during the fasting month.

To be honest, I have no idea what will come next.

The so many bans and restrictions all in the name of religion only meet the needs of a handful of weird people without taking into consideration the needs and feelings of the rest of our society.

A PAS central committee member proposed to ban the beer festival, and then our DBKL rejected the organizers' application citing three very weird reasons, one of which was: rain!

Even though the organizers had promised to ensure that minors and Muslims would not be allowed in the event, that, along with the organizers' past records, has failed to overturn a PAS leader's prejudices and distaste of beer.

That puts our traditional tolerance under the weight of PAS' religious cause.

PAS is not a ruling party, and even the objection this time has yet to be raised to the level of the party's top leadership, our mayor has failed to consider the facts that it is not the first time such a festival has been held and that KL is an international metropolis that often rivals the world's most sophisticated cities in modernity, diversity and cultural tolerance.

Hereafter any event to be staged in this country will be subjected to the deliberate resistance from PAS or other religious bodies in the name of defending the sanctity of their faith.

KL and other major cities in Malaysia will lose their identities and will become more like cities in the Arab world, or perhaps worse than some of the more liberal Middle Eastern cities.

This is not the 21st century Malaysia we want.- mysinchew

Story kat SINI dan SINI  

So what is the real story behind the MARA Digital Mall? The Digital Mall  was inspired by a thief.

A thief had stolen a handphone at the Low Yat Plaza. The traders had caught the thief. The thief then went home, got his bunch of friends and returned to the Low Yat Mall and beat up the traders. 

The thief and his friends were Malay, the Low Yat traders were Chinese. In no time the dumb ass Dumbno idiots made it a racial issue.It was nothing more than thievery. A theft. 

In defence of the thief, Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan made the grand announcement that he would set up a bumiputra only digital mall to compete with Low Yat.  

The Digital Mall followed the Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan business model : all the bumi traders would have to buy their products from a sole supplier only. 

To make a long story short,  how much longer will this MARA Digital Mall last? Three months? Six months?  

How can you hope to survive if your prices are 20% higher than not only Low Yat but any other IT mall? 

Plus, havent you morons heard of Lazada? You can buy a handphone for RM200+ on Lazada - delivered direct to your house. Tak payah pergi ke Low Yat pun.

Image result for sekolah tahfiz arson di keramat tumpang sekole

Its time we spoke about that sekolah tahfiz arson and murder case.  

All the devil worshippers are dancing around the fire.No one is addressing the issue that the boys involved in the arson and murder were drug addicts and drug pushers. The Police have already investigated the drug links. 

Why did the boys get so mad that they were willing to burn down the school? What triggered their anger?

Was it a turf war? Is it because someone did not pay them money for the drugs? Or someone was asking for a bigger cut? What is the real story?

What was their motive? This cannot be like that other case.No motive was recorded.They just blew up that woman for the heck of it. And we are supposed to believe that version.

Image result for skim cepat kaya

Here is another funny "business model" story.  

A bunch of "mamak semua bumiputera" types had made a bunch of money selling off a "cuci jamban contract". Worth billions.I kid you not.

To diversify,  they used a tiny amount  of  their "skim cepat kaya" money to venture into other businesses.  

They soon bought a restaurant operation, complete with menu and recipes, fully equipped kitchen, full staffing, an existing customer base and a good track record.  

All they had to do was just manage the business, do some promotion and maybe open new outlets. It could have been a great success.

Then the disasters began to pile up.

First they let go some of the hard working staff and replaced them with the 'busy texting on the handphone' type of staff.

They also appointed managers and supervisors who were graduates of the 'managing in absentia' school of management.  Maybe the same school Ismail Kepala Hotak Ikan attended.

Other weird things happened. Since they were 'koporat',  the finance department ordered the restaurant to buy all their supplies for one full month. Their 'koporat' culture insisted that "for efficiency" all procurement must be done once a month only. 

So the restaurant was forced to order ONE MONTH'S SUPPLY OF CHICKEN. 

Then they found out there was not enough refrigerator space to store 500 chickens !!They shoved the chickens everywhere. Then the refrigeration also rosak. The "managers in absentia"  were not present to manage the situation. 

To make the story short, the restaurant shut down in about three months.

The story is not over.They have not paid the chicken supplier.They have not paid rent.They have not paid GST.

The retards always tell us that if you want to know about religious mumbo jumbo, then ask them. Because they are the mumbo jumbo experts.

In the same way, if you want to learn about business, why not ask the people who know about business and are already successful in business in the country?

Is that also too difficult to understand? - ostb

RM$ tak laku di Thailand, tapi
Ekonomi mantap kata En.MO1...


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