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TMJ - Melayu ‘busuk hati’...
TMJ bidas ‘cybertroopers’ UMNO...
Tuanku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim hari ini membidas Pemuda Umno kerana menggunakan “cybertroopers” untuk mempersoalkan ketiadaannya sewaktu 2 perlawanan bola sepak Kumpulan A Sukan SEA baru-baru ini yang menyaksikan kemenangan Malaysia menewaskan Brunei dan Singapura.
“Kepada En. Ibdillah, tidak perlulah sibuk-sibuk dengan ‘cybertroopers’ awak untuk menghentam-hentam saya dan menjulang ‘bos’ awak,” tulis TMJ di Facebook hari ini, dipercayai merujuk kepada Ibdillah Ishak, ahli exco Pemuda Umno yang mempengerusikan Biro Media Sosial sayap itu.
TMJ yang juga presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) sebelum ini pernah mengkritik Menteri Kebudayaan dan Sukan Khairy Jamaluddin kerana tidak menghadiri perlawanan akhir Piala FA di Shah Alam Mei lepas.
Khairy, yang juga ketua Pemuda Umno, baru-baru ini turut menjadi sasaran TMJ yang menyindir kebolehannya dalam skuad polo negara Sukan SEA.
“Tiada sesiapa yang nak jatuhkan ‘bos’ awak,” kata TMJ kepada Ibdillah dalam catatannya hari ini.
“Awak perlu ingat sokongan terbesar parti politik awak datangnya dari negeri Johor.”
Walaupun tidak menyebut Khairy secara khusus, TMJ berkata beliau tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan ahli politik seperti menteri sukan itu.
Menurutnya, tidak seperti sesetengah orang yang “hanya tunjukkan muka di stadium”, beliau tidak mempunyai kepentingan politik.
“Saya bukan orang yang ingin menjadi popular tetapi ghaib apabila bola sepak negara memerlukan sumbangan,” kata TMJ, sambil menyentuh dana RM4 juta yang diberikan Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim kepada FAM untuk membantu struktur skuad kebangsaan dan liga tempatan.
Menurutnya, beliau tidak berniat mengungkit sumbangan ayahnya.
Sebaliknya, TMJ berkata beliau bukan ahli politik yang cuba meraih populariti, sambil mempersoalkan sumbangan pihak Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) ketika FAM bergelut dengan masalah kewangan.
“Saya tidak salahkan pihak KBS yang tidak berikan duit kepada FAM. Maklumlah, isu duit berjumlah RM100 juta duit rakyat pun tidak dijawab lagi macam mana mereka nak bagi duit kepada kami,” tambahnya merujuk seorang pegawai kanan kementerian itu yang disyaki terlibat dalam penyelewengan dana RM100 juta tahun lalu.
TMJ turut membidas sikap “busuk hati” sesetengah orang Melayu yang menurutnya lebih banyak menghina raja-raja Melayu “jika dibandingkan dengan India atau Cina”.
“Tetapi apabila susah dan tersempit dengan ahli politik barulah bangsa Melayu ini mencari raja-raja mereka,” kata TMJ dalam kenyataan dimuat naik di Facebook hari ini.
Mengenai ketiadaannya ketika pasukan Malaysia menentang Brunei dan Singapura baru-baru ini, TMJ berkata ia kerana beliau bercuti di luar negara.
“Dari awal tahun hingga sekarang, saya belum bercuti lagi bersama keluarga saya wahai encik-encik yang saya hormati sekalian. Tetapi usah risau, kerana saya sudah menghantar wakil saya iaitu Menteri Belia Sukan yang bersemangat berkhidmat untuk negara dah datang memberi sokongan,” katanya.- fmt
Mampukah BN atasi pengaruh
Anwar di Permatang Pauh...
Perkara itu diyakini kerana, katanya, beliau sangat memahami sentimen penduduk di Permatang Pauh, memandangkan kawasan itu berjiran dengan kawasan Parlimennya, Bukit Mertajam.
“Ketua bahagian UMNO di sini sendiri pun tak berani berjumpa akar umbi dengan memakai baju-T Umno semasa Hari Raya.
“Mereka sangat maklum persepsi akar umbi kepada Umno sangat buruk,” katanya dipetik laporan The Malaysian Insight ketia membuat lawatan ke Sungai Lembu di Penanti, Permatang Pauh hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas ucapan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Permatang Pauh, semalam, yang menggesa agar penduduk di kawasan Parlimen itu mengubah undi kepada BN pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh disandang isteri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Nor Azizah Wan Ismail.
Steven berkata, kemenangan BN sebelum ini hanya bergantung kepada faktor Anwar dan parti pemerintah itu tidak akan mengulangi kejayaan yang sama memandangkan pemimpin PKR itu kini sudah menyertai pembangkang.
Anwar, ketika masih bersama UMNO, merupakan ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh dari 1982 hingga 1999.
Pada 1998, beliau disingkirkan dari jawatan timbalan perdana menteri dan kembali menjadi ahli Parlimen pada 2008 hingga 2015 sehinggalah dipenjarakan semula buat kali kedua atas tuduhan kononnya berlaku salah laku moral. -Roketkini.com
Who’s attending Najib’s
‘record-breaking’ feast in Ptg.Pauh?
Some 20,000 to 25,000 people are reportedly expected to attend a record-breaking nasi kandar feast while seated cross-legged in Permatang Pauh later this morning (17 August).
The event, apparently dubbed Majlis Kenduri Rakyat dan Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat’ was held at Politeknik Seberang Perai from 10.30am to 1.30pm.
Organisers said the turnout was over 21,000, with the participants’ registrations to back that figure. My own estimate of those seated on mats was that it was about half that figure. Check out the photos here.
The organiser told the crowd that no one had been paid to attend and indeed there were not many buses around outside the main entrance of the polytechnic. But there was plenty of free food as well as a string of pasar tani stalls.
Just ahead of the event, about a dozen PKR youth activists were detained outside the polytechnic. PKR Youth had planned a flash mob to greet Najib on his arrival.
From what I hear, polytechnics in Malaysia are having their holidays this week. But one parent whose daughter is in this particular polytechnic told me that the week-long holiday at this particular polytechnic’s holidays had been postponed.
A Permatang Pauh Polytechnic student from Seremban, who was at the venue, confirmed this. “Our lecturers told us to attend,” she said, adding that she was not a BN supporter. “We were told attendance was compulsory. She added that their holidays had been postponed because of this event.
Others present included civil servants from various departments, teachers and federal village security and development committee (JKKKP) representatives from various localities. From what I heard, various schools in the state were apparently sending half a dozen teachers each to this event.
Najib’s visit to Permatang Pauh today is reminiscent of his visit to Universiti Sains Malaysiain Penang on 8 December 2012, five months before the 2013 general election. Some 15,000 people turned up for that event, many of them bussed in from all over the state in blue factory workers’ buses and orange school buses (see photos).
In an apparent dig at Mahathir (though he did not mention him by name), Najib slammed those who made U-turns. “Tak payah sebut nama.” He then urged the people of Permatang Pauh to make their own U-turn.
Once again, this kind of event raises the question, how can the premises of an educational institution be used for what appears a thinly disguised political event? (Umno logos were printed on banners inside the polytechnic grounds.) Would the state government or opposition parties be allowed similar access?
At the afternoon event at Spice in Penang for the launch of the Northern Region Economic Corridor 2.0 blueprint, thousands of students from the northern region – including Kedah and Perlis – attended. A senior teacher told me school principals in the state were also required to attend this event after school dismissal today. -anilnetto.com
Story kat sini...
The Hindraf's P Waythamoorthy was attacked by two assailants in his office on Wednesday. The two attackers who spoke Malay showed a knife in Waythamoorthy's face and warned him 'Jangan cabar kerajaan'. They also punched him a few times and then quickly left his premises.
Obviously the attack was designed to threaten and frighten Waythamoorthy. The question is 'Why are some people so afraid of the Hindraf and P Waythamoorthy?' Do read on.
Then just a day after being attacked, Waythamoorthy met Pakatan Harapan architect and leader Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed yesterday (Thursday) at his office in Putrajaya. Also present at this quite momentous meeting were Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Dato Zaid Ibrahim and others.
Waythamoorthy is certainly no Samy Vellu.He is a lawyer who was educated in England.He was born and raised in Kelantan and can 'kecek Kelate' very fluently.
Hindraf has studied 31 mostly UMNO held parliamentary seats where UMNO (and some BN) have won by very slim margins.
And in these slim margin seats, the number of Indian voters is many times more than the winning margins.
The article above says that UMNO won in Merbok, Kedah with just 4000+ votes. But there are 15,000 "estate" Indians in Merbok. If only about 2000+ Indians switch their votes, UMNO will lose Merbok.
The other example is the pendatang haram Jawa in Bagan Datoh. He won by about 2000+ votes - a very slim margin. Yet in Bagan Datoh there are over 9000+ Indian "estate" voters. If only about 1000+ Indian voters switch sides, the pendatang haram Jawa may have to balik negeri.
In like manner, there are 31 mostly rural UMNO seats in Kedah, Johor, Perak and Selangor where the numbers of Indian voters far exceeds the slim winning majorities in these places. With Hindraf's strong grassroots campaigning, the Indian voters can really knock out the UMNO candidates in these 31 Parliamentary constituencies.
Hindraf has already launched a very effective campaign among the Indians which I think must be expanded to all Malaysian voters.
The campaign is "NOT A SINGLE VOTE FOR THE BN".
Do spread the word around folks - NOT A SINGLE VOTE FOR THE BN"
The message is brief and catchy and more importantly it is achievable.
For example, talk is Melaka UMNO is now crippled and in the ICU. Some UMNO bahagian in Melaka may almost completely stop functioning. UMNO members are just abandoning the party in Melaka.
Since Hindraf has met Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Dato Zaid Ibrahim and Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Hindraf will become more acceptable among the rural Malay voters.
a. PKR to work with PAS
Ok, a few days ago Wan Azizah said that PKR will work with PAS / UMNO in Kelantan.
This means that in Kelantan, PKR will be fighting against Parti Amanah which is a component (along with the PKR) in Pakatan Harapan. So in Kelantan PKR will be helping to sabotage the Pakatan Harapan.
Then one PAS fellow has given Wan Azizah a real slap in the face by replying that PAS considers PKR traitors and unreliable. PAS will not work with PKR he said.
b. DAP / Amanah will certainly work against PAS (and PKR?) in Selangor
Then over in Selangor, the PKR will still be working with PAS again. Indirectly they will also work with UMNO.
So in Selangor both Parti Amanah and the DAP will be actively campaigning and trying to sabotage as much of PAS as they can. In Selangor, Amanah and DAP will be working against any PKR-PAS-UMNO alliance. But Amanah, DAP and PKR are part of Pakatan Harapan.
So PKR cooperating with PAS creates serious faults and cracks. Indirectly PKR will also be cooperating with UMNO.
It is not impossible that in the next General Elections (which will likely be held next year - since Moron wants so much to commit suicide) the line-up will be like this:
1. Bersatu - DAP - Hindraf - Amanah - Warisan
2. UMNO - PAS - PKR - MCA - MIC etc.
In either scenario, the presence of Hindraf will be of great benefit to the Pakatan Harapan.
My advise to P Waythamoorthy is to strengthen your doors. Get some Hindraf bodyguards. Take precautions.
A mad dog that is caught in a corner is a dangerous animal. Especially a stupid and corrupted dog. It will snap at anything.
Finally what is the meaning of "Thaniya maram tho'op-a akhaathu".
This is an original Tamil saying by Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, who speaks fluent Tamil, German and possibly other languages. Months ago, Tan Sri Sanusi set up his own 'Hindraf WhatsApp' group including Hindraf members and other Indians.
In one of his postings he advised Hindraf members :
Thaniya - alone by itself
maram - a tree
tho'op-a - plantation
akhaathu - cannot become
Alone by itself, a single tree cannot become a plantation.
Sebatang pokok, dengan sendirinya tidak boleh menjadi ladang (atau kebun).
Meaning, you need friends to get things done. You must have allies. It is difficult to act alone. So welcome Hindraf to the Pakatan Rakyat. Its about time. - ostb
Obviously the attack was designed to threaten and frighten Waythamoorthy. The question is 'Why are some people so afraid of the Hindraf and P Waythamoorthy?' Do read on.
Then just a day after being attacked, Waythamoorthy met Pakatan Harapan architect and leader Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed yesterday (Thursday) at his office in Putrajaya. Also present at this quite momentous meeting were Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Dato Zaid Ibrahim and others.
Waythamoorthy is certainly no Samy Vellu.He is a lawyer who was educated in England.He was born and raised in Kelantan and can 'kecek Kelate' very fluently.
Hindraf has studied 31 mostly UMNO held parliamentary seats where UMNO (and some BN) have won by very slim margins.
And in these slim margin seats, the number of Indian voters is many times more than the winning margins.
The article above says that UMNO won in Merbok, Kedah with just 4000+ votes. But there are 15,000 "estate" Indians in Merbok. If only about 2000+ Indians switch their votes, UMNO will lose Merbok.
The other example is the pendatang haram Jawa in Bagan Datoh. He won by about 2000+ votes - a very slim margin. Yet in Bagan Datoh there are over 9000+ Indian "estate" voters. If only about 1000+ Indian voters switch sides, the pendatang haram Jawa may have to balik negeri.
In like manner, there are 31 mostly rural UMNO seats in Kedah, Johor, Perak and Selangor where the numbers of Indian voters far exceeds the slim winning majorities in these places. With Hindraf's strong grassroots campaigning, the Indian voters can really knock out the UMNO candidates in these 31 Parliamentary constituencies.
Hindraf has already launched a very effective campaign among the Indians which I think must be expanded to all Malaysian voters.
The campaign is "NOT A SINGLE VOTE FOR THE BN".
Do spread the word around folks - NOT A SINGLE VOTE FOR THE BN"
The message is brief and catchy and more importantly it is achievable.
For example, talk is Melaka UMNO is now crippled and in the ICU. Some UMNO bahagian in Melaka may almost completely stop functioning. UMNO members are just abandoning the party in Melaka.
Since Hindraf has met Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Dato Zaid Ibrahim and Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Hindraf will become more acceptable among the rural Malay voters.
a. PKR to work with PAS
Ok, a few days ago Wan Azizah said that PKR will work with PAS / UMNO in Kelantan.
This means that in Kelantan, PKR will be fighting against Parti Amanah which is a component (along with the PKR) in Pakatan Harapan. So in Kelantan PKR will be helping to sabotage the Pakatan Harapan.
Then one PAS fellow has given Wan Azizah a real slap in the face by replying that PAS considers PKR traitors and unreliable. PAS will not work with PKR he said.
b. DAP / Amanah will certainly work against PAS (and PKR?) in Selangor
Then over in Selangor, the PKR will still be working with PAS again. Indirectly they will also work with UMNO.
So in Selangor both Parti Amanah and the DAP will be actively campaigning and trying to sabotage as much of PAS as they can. In Selangor, Amanah and DAP will be working against any PKR-PAS-UMNO alliance. But Amanah, DAP and PKR are part of Pakatan Harapan.
So PKR cooperating with PAS creates serious faults and cracks. Indirectly PKR will also be cooperating with UMNO.
It is not impossible that in the next General Elections (which will likely be held next year - since Moron wants so much to commit suicide) the line-up will be like this:
1. Bersatu - DAP - Hindraf - Amanah - Warisan
2. UMNO - PAS - PKR - MCA - MIC etc.
In either scenario, the presence of Hindraf will be of great benefit to the Pakatan Harapan.
My advise to P Waythamoorthy is to strengthen your doors. Get some Hindraf bodyguards. Take precautions.
A mad dog that is caught in a corner is a dangerous animal. Especially a stupid and corrupted dog. It will snap at anything.
Finally what is the meaning of "Thaniya maram tho'op-a akhaathu".
In one of his postings he advised Hindraf members :
Thaniya - alone by itself
maram - a tree
tho'op-a - plantation
akhaathu - cannot become
Alone by itself, a single tree cannot become a plantation.
Sebatang pokok, dengan sendirinya tidak boleh menjadi ladang (atau kebun).
Meaning, you need friends to get things done. You must have allies. It is difficult to act alone. So welcome Hindraf to the Pakatan Rakyat. Its about time. - ostb
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Sekianlah artikel TMJ - Melayu ‘busuk hati’... kali ini, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat untuk anda semua. baiklah, sampai jumpa di postingan artikel lainnya.
Anda sekarang membaca artikel TMJ - Melayu ‘busuk hati’... dengan alamat link https://malaypostt.blogspot.com/2017/08/tmj-melayu-busuk-hati.html