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Sistem Transit Rel - Konflik Putrajaya dan Istana Johor...

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Sultan Johor menolak reka bentuk projek ikonik antara Malaysia dan Singapura, dan mempersoalkan perlunya agensi persekutuan untuk mengendalikan projek negeri di selatan itu. Tindakan terbaru Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar ini dilihat penegasan kepada kekuasaan dan kewibawaan pemerintahannya di Johor.

Beliau memberitahu Straits Times Singapura yang cadangan Sistem Transit Rel (RTS) dari Bukit Chagar di Johor Baru dan Woodlands di Singapura perlu mempunyai reka bentuk praktikal, bukannya melengkung dan menolok rancangan pembinaan jambatan setinggi 30 meter di atas air pada bahagian tengah.

"Kenapa perlu reka bentuk melengkung sedangkan kita boleh mempunyai reka bentuk lebih praktikal yang lurus dan dekat dengan Tambak Johor?" Katanya dalam temubual itu.

RTS diumumkan pada 31 Julai dan akan memulakan operasi pada Disember 2024 melalui usaha sama yang melibatkan pengendali kereta api Singapura, SMRT Corp, dan Prasarana Malaysia Bhd. Tempoh konsesi RTS adalah 30 tahun bagi kontrak permulaan.

Bagaimanapun, Sultan Johor mempersoalkan peranan Prasarana dalam membangun dan menguruskan projek yang menghubungkan dua negara itu.

"Mengapa mesti Prasarana? Mengapa bukan kerajaan Johor?

"Perlu diingatkan yang perkara melibatkan tanah adalah hal negeri. Keutamaan saya ialah rakyat Johor; mereka gembira dengan apa yang sudah diputuskan," katanya.

Di samping menegaskan yang beliau bersetuju dengan projek itu, Sultan Ibrahim berkata kerajaan negeri seharusnya dipilih sebagai pihak yang menjalankan usahasama dengan Singapura.

"Projek ini di Johor, jadi mengapa perlu melibatkan Prasarana? Biar kerajaan Johor dan Singapura menjalankan usaha sama, dan saya boleh mengumpul dana sekiranya perlu," katanya, mempersoalkan perlunya kontraktor berasingan untuk membina sebahagian rel di negara terlibat.

Sultan Johor tolak rekaan sistem transit rel

Sultan Johor mencadangkan agar projek itu dilakukan kontraktor tunggal melalui usaha sama antara Malaysia dan Singapura, sambil menambah akan berbincang dengan Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Hsien Loong pada bulan depan dan juga Putrajaya.

"Kecuali anda tinggal di Johor, anda tidak akan memahami sentimen Johor."

Beliau bertegas dengan pandangannya mengenai reka bentuk rel, dengan mengatakan cadangan asal hanya akan mengganggu pemandangan bandar di situ.

"Pihak yang terlibat juga perlu berunding dengan saya. Apa pun (rancangan baru) yang dibentangkan kepada saya, perlulah logik, ekonomik dan mampan bagi kepentingan bukan sahaja rakyat Johor, tetapi semua rakyat Malaysia dan Singapura.

Sultan Ibrahim juga berkata reka bentuk yang melengkung, serta jambatan bertingkat sebagai tidak praktikal dan mampan serta berkemungkinan menelan kos yang mahal.

"Mengapa mereka perlukan jambatan setinggi 30 meter itu kecuali ada rancangan menukat Tambak Johor?

"Saya mencadangkan reka bentuk diluruskan agar lebih praktikal, dan ia akan mengurangkan kos," katanya sambil melukis reka bentuk kepada pengarang akhbar yang menemuramahnya.

"Reka bentuk penting kepada kami, dan 'kami' yang saya maksudkan adalah Johor."

RTS diumumkan kerajaan Malaysia dan Singapura tujuh tahun lalu sebagai alternatif yang sangat diperlukan kepada 80,000 hingga 100,000 orang yang menyeberangi Tambak Johor setiap hari.

Ia dijangka mampu menampung sehingga 10,000 penumpang sejam bagi satu hala, antara stesen terminalnya di Bukit Chagar dan Woodlands. – themalaysianinsight

Johor Sultan rejects Rail-link design...

The sultan of Johor has rejected the design of an iconic project between Malaysia and Singapore, and questioned the need for a federal agency to drive a project in the southern state. Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar’s move was the latest by the influential Malay ruler keen on imposing his unquestionable power and authority in Johor.

He told the New Straits Times that the proposed Rail Transit System (RTS) from Bukit Chagar in Johor Baru to Woodlands in Singapore should have a practical design, instead of the current curved design and a plan to build a bridge as high as 30m above water in the middle section.

“Why do we have to have a curved design when we can have a more practical design that is straighter and closer to the Causeway?” he said in an exclusive interview with the Umno-linked daily.

The RTS was announced on July 31 and is to start operations by December 2024 through a joint venture involving Singapore’s rail operator, SMRT Corp, and Malaysia’s urban rail firm, Prasarana Malaysia Bhd. The RTS concession period is 30 years for the initial contract. 

However, the Johor ruler questions Prasarana’s role in developing and running the rail link between the two countries.

Photo published for Johor Sultan not happy with new causeway rail design, Prasarana

“Why must it be Prasarana? Why not the Johor government?

“Please remember that land is a state matter. My priority is the people of Johor; that they are happy with what is being decided,” he said.

While he emphasised that he agreed with the project, Sultan Ibrahim said the state government should be the one to undertake the joint venture with Singapore.

“The project is entirely in Johor, so why should Prasarana be involved? Let the Johor government and Singapore have a joint venture, and I can raise funds if need be,” he said, questioning the need for separate contractors to build portions of the link in the respective countries involved.

The Johor ruler suggested that the project could, instead, be undertaken by a single contractor through a joint venture between Malaysia and Singapore, adding that he would speak with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong next month, as well as Putrajaya.

“Unless you live in Johor, you won’t understand the Johor sentiment.”

He was precise over his reservations about the rail design, saying the proposed one would disrupt the city skyline.

“The parties also have to consult me. Whatever (new plan) is presented to me, it will have to be logical, economical and sustainable for the benefit of not only Johoreans, but all Malaysians and Singaporeans.”

Sultan Ibrahim also said the curved design of the link, as well as the elevated bridge, was impractical, unsustainable and potentially costly.

“Why do they need an elevated bridge with up to 30m air draft (clearance height from the water to a vessel’s height) unless there are plans to remove the Causeway?

“I am proposing that the design be aligned as such for practicality, and it will cost less,” he said, sketching a design for the NST editors conducting the interview.

“The design matters to us, and by ‘us’, I mean Johor.”

The RTS was announced by the Malaysian and Singaporean governments seven years ago to provide a much-needed alternative to the 80,000 to 100,000 people who cross the Malaysia-Singapore Causeway daily.

The link is expected to accommodate up to 10,000 passengers an hour in each direction, between its terminus stations in Bukit Chagar and Woodlands. On the Singaporean side, the link will join the republic’s Mass Rapid Transit at its upcoming Thomson East Coast Line (TEL).

The 31-station TEL project will open in phases, from 2019 to 2024.- themalaysianinsight

PAS puas hati dengar penjelasan hutang 1MDB dari Arul Kandasamy.

Arul beri penerangan 2 jam kpd Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man dan 30 AJK PAS Pusat kita berpuas hati penjelasan Arul kata Tuan Ibrahim pada sidang media 

Arul tidak turut serta sidang media PAS dan tidak mahu memberi sebarang ulasan kepada media.

Haa haa haa. I say brader Tuan Ibrahim, Arul Kanda pun sudah gostan. Ingat lagi ke kekawan Tuan Ibrahim yang gostan dulu? 

Arul Kanda tidak berani jumpa media sebab dia takut ditanya soalan yang dia pun tak tahu macam mana nak jawab.)

IPIC beri masa 5 hari kpd 1MDB langsaikan RM2.58b yang gagal dibayar 31 Julai

1MDB kata mereka komited obligasi tanpa beri  tarikh khusus.

Haa haa haa.  . . .Tahu tak apa maksudnya "tanpa  beri tarikh khusus".  Maksudnya 1MDB akan tunggu sampai Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berhenti  panjat nyiok. Barulah 1MDB akan selesaikan hutang kepada IPIC.

I say brader Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, macam mana pula hutang RM4.2 BILLION yang telah dipinjamkan OLEH KWAP (Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen) kepada SRC International sewaktu masa SRC Int'l masih anak syarikat 1MDB? 

Sekarang SRC sudah "tukar tangan" jadi milik bapak syarikat 1MDB  ia itu MoF Inc atau Ministry of Finance Inc. 

Bapak ke, anak ke, kepala bapak ke hutang RM4.2 BILLION kepada KWAP masih belum dijelaskan oleh SRC, MoF atau sesiapa pun. 

Bunga (interest atau faedah) atau "profit rate" (kalau islamic) pun tidak dibayar.

Tetapi tidak ada sebarang tindakan diambil oleh KWAP terhadap SRC.  

Eh eh . . . baiknya KWAP. 
Dia ambil duit pencen orang lain.
Dia bagi pinjam RM4.2 BILLION kepada SRC
Lepas itu duit RM4.2 Billion itu lenyap ke dalam bontot badak air
Lepas tu KWAP pun diam saja. 
Tak buat apa pun.

Ok jangan kita terlalu banyak bersoal.  
Nampak sangat awak punya munafik nanti. - ostb 

2. Ini pula berita pasai hutang 1MDB kpd IPIC...

- 1MDB unlikely to meet new deadline to pay RM2.69b to IPIC by noon today new deadline - five business day grace period failure to meet deadline result in additional interest charges to 1MDB
- 1MDB indicated it needs at least another month, until end August
- 1MDB had little capital, relied on billions of ringgit in loans 


- 1MDB suffered cash flow problems 
- IPIC helped on condition that 1MDB repaid 
- 1MDB defaulted
- arbitration in London. 
- settlement reached in April.

Reporters wished to ask Najib about 1MDB's deadline by today.
Najib heard saying, "we will issue a statement later".

I say Tuan Ibrahim, awak kena tipu bulat-bulat lah.  
Awak duduk khusyuk dengar  putar belit  Arul Kandasamy.

Pada waktu yang sama, Najib tak mahu jawab soalan wartawan pasal 1MDB gagal bayar IPIC ikut "deadline" baru ia itu jam 12 tengah hari, Isnin 7hb Ogos, 2017 ! 

Awak pula buat kenyataan awak puas hati dengan penjelasan Arul Kandasamy.  Hangpa punya bodoh lah.  - ostb

1MDB gagal bayar IPIC
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI  

JoLo Cuts Separate Deal With DOJ. 

Emails supplied to ... news organisations by the group calling itself Global Leaks confirm that 1MDB’s fugitive fixer and the man behind the world’s record global kleptocracy theft was in “active discussions” with the United States Department of Justice as of mid-May of this year.

In an email dated May 16th of this year, a lawyer acting on behalf of Sheikh Yousef Otaiba, the Abu Dhabi Ambassador to the United States, revealed that a representative of the Mubadala fund had confirmed to him that Jho Low is in active negotiations with the DOJ:

“Marty stated that he knew that Jho Low was in active discusssions with the US Department of Justice, but was not comfortable with sharing with me …what the status of those discussions were… I was surprised that Marty had not previously shared that Jho Low was in active discussions with the DOJ as that is a very important fact from our perspective….”

- The news is likely to strike horror and dismay into the heart of the Najib administration in Malaysia, since it indicates that the key link-man and proxy for the Prime Minister at the heart of this major scandal is seeking to come to terms with investigators, who have been doggedly unravelling his activities over the past two years and frozen hundreds of millions of dollars worth of assets and accounts.

- Low is in a position to confirm every last detail of 1MDB’s criminal activities and is in a position to point the finger at his “Big Boss” – the name he gave to Najib Razak. 

- Low has been negotiating to protect the rest of his extended family (father, brother and sister) who have all been caught up in the web of money laundering.

The deadly news comes on the very day the beleaguered Finance Minister failed to meet the final five day grace period for the payment of USD628 million, due under a court ruling on July 31st to Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund IPIC.

The money was supposed to be paid by 1MDB failing that, its guarantor the Malaysian Government.  

Numerous strategies to raise the money have failed over recent weeks 
PM has simply found himself unable to raise the cash.

Hurried attempt to raise bond issue by Bank of Malaysia last week 
plans to force GLCs to invest have failed but none of these former cash cows have liquidity remaining.

Deadline expired today, pushing Malaysia into sovereign default 
Najib asked Gulf rulers to be lenient till end of August
little chance to find the money by then nor the further USD602m due on December 31st.

Jho Low at centre of 1MDB mega-heists,orchestrated with his father, family members.
Number of bankers jailed in Singapore.

1. It is not JoLo who is being clever. It is the US Dept of Justice who know how to go about their business. Their target has been MO1 all this while.  They deliberately put pressure on JoLo. And the trick has worked. JoLo has now cracked. 

JoLo has much more to lose than Najib.As that stupid UMNO lawyer said, 'The PM does not need to know what he is signing'. So Najib can just plead stupidity. "Your honor, I wish to plead that I am stupid. I dont know what I signed."

One small problem. 
Under the law you can plead insanity. 
But you cannot plead stupidity. 

So when is the next session of our Parlimen? 
Time for RUU101#IamStupid ?

My belief is the DoJ is targeting the assets first. Hand over the assets and we will talk.

2. They will want information and details of accounts and moneys. This is where the Hippo is going to get roasted over a slow fire. 

Folks, ponder this. This looks very plausible now.The Hippo  may end up spending some years in a US jail.If JoLo sings loud enough,  this is not an impossible scenario.

The step-son is a non issue. 
Soiled toilet paper. 
They may lock him up first.

I just cannot believe their unbelievable stupidity. 
These folks have very low IQs.

It reminds me of the scene from the movie Marie Antoinette where the French King Louis the something (16th?) as he was about to be beheaded at the guillotine. In the movie, poor Louis' last words were, 'Why do they hate me so much?'

Thats the direction these people are headed as well. - ostb

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Budaya UMNO 
Muahhhh..muahhh..Jilat jangan tak jilat...

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