Dicekop melakukan seks dengan Bangla ...

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Dicekop melakukan seks dengan Bangla ...

Seorang janda anak dua bukan sahaja mengaku menempah hotel semata-mata untuk melampiaskan nafsu bersama kekasihnya, tetapi tanpa segan silu mengaku sudah pun melakukan hubungan seks sebelum bilik berkenaan diserbu penguatkuasa Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Terengganu (JHEAT), Selasa lalu.

Dalam serbuan di sebuah hotel di bandar raya ini, kira-kira jam 1.20 petang, wanita berusia 38 tahun memaklumkan sudah mengenali kekasihnya yang juga seorang warga asing, 24, selama enam bulan kerana mereka bekerja di tempat sama.

Pesuruhjaya Hal Ehwal Agama negeri, Datuk Wan Mohd Wan Ibrahim berkata, hasil siasatan wanita itu mendakwa datang dari Ajil, Hulu Terengganu ke bandar raya ini bersama kekasihnya dengan ditemani kawan sekerjanya yang lain.

Beliau berkata, wanita itu mendakwa sebaik selesai makan dan minum bersama rakan sekerjanya itu, lelaki tersebut mengajaknya menginap di hotel berkenaan.

“Dia mengaku tujuan mereka ke hotel adalah semata-mata untuk melampiaskan nafsu selepas bercerai dengan suaminya sejak lima tahun lalu.

“Hasil soal siasat, wanita tersebut mengaku sudah melakukan hubungan seks bersama kekasihnya itu sebelum bilik berkenaan diserbu penguatkuasa syariah daerah,” katanya lapor Sinar Harian.

Pasangan itu seterusnya dibawa ke pejabat JHEAT untuk siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 29 Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Takzir) (Terengganu) 2001 iaitu perbuatan sebagai persediaan untuk melakukan persetubuhan luar nikah.- malaysianreview

Image result for Pas nak tawan putrajaya
PAS terus dengan keegoannya...

Pas perlu mencari tonik penyelamat untuk mengubati segala penyakit mahupun kelemahan yang sering kali dibangkitkan parti lawan kebelakangan ini sebelum betul-betul terlambat. 

Penganalisis politik, Dr Rusdi Omar berkata, jika pimpinan yang ada masih dibuai aura Allahyarham Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat tanpa menyusun gerak langkah, kemungkinan besar parti itu ditimpa masalah pada PRU14 nanti.

Menurutnya, bukan mustahil sekiranya Pas tidak berbuat sesuatu dan terus dengan keegoannya, justeru memungkinkan parti itu bakal berputih mata pada pilihan raya umum yang dijangka hangat kali ini.

“Pimpinan Pas terutama di Kelantan mestilah berfikiran waras dan matang dalam apa jua tindakan termasuk ucapan mereka. “Jangan kita bongkak, sombong dan angkuh dalam setiap tindakan. Nanti masyarakat akan gelak kepada kita,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian.

Beliau mengulas tindakan Pas yang sejak akhir-akhir ini dilihat semakin mendabik dada ketika mana hubungan akrab dengan Umno semakin menyerlah biarpun dinafikan. Terbaharu, Naib Presiden Pas yang juga Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah dengan yakinnya mengeluarkan kenyataan parti itu bersedia bergerak sendirian dan bertanding di semua kerusi pada PRU14 nanti. 

Rusdi berkata, hasrat  untuk kekal mentadbir Kelantan dan tidak mustahil untuk menawan Putrajaya yang dilaung-laungkan Pas juga ibarat bermimpi di siang hari. 

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“Persoalannya, kajian mana yang menjadi rujukan beliau. Sekiranya berlaku pertandingan tiga penjuru di mana-mana negeri agak sukar dan mungkin mustahil untuk Pas memenangi pilihanraya tersebut. “Tidak keterlaluan juga, kemungkinan besar negeri Kelantan akan jatuh ke tangan BN, sekiranya Pas ingin bertanding secara bersendirian,” katanya.

Kata Rusdi, pemimpin-pemimpin Pas terutama seperti Mohd amar dan Nasrudin Hassan dilihat seolah-olah bermain dengan pemikiran psikologi dengan mengatakan bahawa  DAP dan Amanah  tidak kuat bahkan mudah untuk ditumbangkan. 

“Tetapi realitinya mereka betul-betul rasa tergugat dengan adanya Amanah dan DAP di dalam Pakatan Harapan di samping sokongan dari PKR dan Bersatu. 

“Kalau tak ada apa-apa ketakutan terhadap parti DAP dan Amanah mengapa mereka masih menghentam kedua-duanya sekiranya parti  ini tidak ada sokongan. Bukankah pelik nampak cara itu.Sepatutnya mereka tak perlu kedua-dua parti ini,” katanya. 

Tidak menafikan sejarah Pas pernah bersendirian namun Rusdi berkata, sejauh mana kehebatan parti itu bila tidak berteman juga perlu direnung-renungkan oleh mereka. - Rakyat Marhaen

Photo published for Indonesian collapses after caning for breaking Islamic law
Collapses after caning for breaking Islamic Law...
Who Will Be The First To Face 
The Hundred Lashes?

Prime Minister Najib has now put the full support of his government and his party behind the adoption of an ancient Middle Eastern ‘Hudud’ legal system to replace much of  Malaysia’s modern civil judiciary.

Revivalist Islamic campaigners from the remaining rump of the PAS party, now widely dubbed in Malaysia as ‘the Taliban,’ have demanded that this platform be absorbed into mainstream UMNO politics (to the consternation of most of the country’s professional classes and substantial non-Muslim minorities) as their price for breaking up the opposition alliance.

The opposition alliance had previously refused to endorse Hudud Law, whilst respecting the ‘Taliban’s’ affection for it. However, Najib is clearly willing to do whatever it takes to avoid losing the next election and face the consequences of justice himself.

But what if Najib WERE to lose the next election, having introduced this Hudud Law?

Under full Hudud Law thieves are punished by having their hands chopped off in a public square and then left to fend for themselves.

Surely first on the list to go on trial before those grim faced muftis would be Najib himself and his grasping wife? How do we think they would fare over the $7 billion theft from 1MDB and the missing FELDA billions, if all the available proof and evidence were brought to this ‘market square’ hearing before the Taliban?

This is how Hudud arrives at its judgement on the hand chopping offence:

A combination of conditions must be fulfilled before the hand of a thief is cut off. These conditions are as follows:

The thing should have been taken by stealth; if it was not taken by stealth, then (the hand) should not be cut off, such as when property has been seized by force in front of other people, because in this case the owner of the property could have asked for help to stop the thief. 

1- The stolen property should be something of worth, because that which is of no worth has no sanctity, such as musical instruments, wine and pigs.
2- The value of the stolen property should be above a certain limit, which is three Islamic dirhams or a quarter of an Islamic dinar, or their equivalent in other currencies.
3-The stolen property should have been taken from a place where it had been put away, i.e., a place where people usually put their property, such as a cupboard [or bank], for example.
4- The theft itself has to be proven, either by the testimony of two qualified witnesses or by the confession of the thief twice.
5- The person from whom the property was stolen has to ask for it back; if he does not, then (the thief’s) hand does not have to be cut off. 

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Who is paying for the Hudud Rally?

The issue of theft extends well beyond FELDA and 1MDB in present day Malaysia of course. BN’s abuse of public office has become so pervasive that the system of governance has itself become almost medieval, perhaps justifying the re-introduction of barbaric medieval punishments to deal with it.

Prime Minister Najib has latterly taken that abuse to new and astonishing levels, so much so that people have started to forget that government money is not merely there for the people in charge to help themselves.

The Hudud Rally over this weekend is itself a case in point. PAS campaigners have been lavishing money on organising tens of thousands to be bussed into KL to provide fodder for their event, but everyone is now asking where is PAS’s present ample funding coming from?  Is not UMNO mobilising for this rally also?

Earlier in the week a PAS leading figure went public to condemn former party members for expressing concern about finances entering the party from their new bed-fellows UMNO.

If RM90 million had come into the party then he would hardly be driving around in a Proton car  thundered spiritual leader Hashim Jasin… at which point his additional ownership of a fancy Porche Cayman was inevitably brought to light.

Ooops. Does this confirm, according to his logic, that money has indeed been flooding into his party?

No, the matter is unrelated after all he has told Malaysians. PAS youth enthusiasts have meanwhile poured supportively into police stations to lodge ‘police reports’ about ‘false accusations’.

Hashim Jasin had merely abused his right to a car import licence, a perk of his political position, to enable his son to buy the fancy car, it has been explained.

So, presumably, Najib reckons he is safe from the Taliban after all, since all of them are in the same game of preaching one thing and practising another?

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A beggar with a handphone,
professional con artists...

I was at Bala's Banana Leaf in Bangsar. This guy (possibly Rohingya or very local appearance) hobbled in on a crutch selling tissues. He went around the tables, then he left the restaurant. I was sitting at the side overlooking the street. The crutches guy hobbled onto the sidewalk below me. He suddenly began to walk ok. No more hobbling. 

Then a woman in a tudung, T-shirt and trousers came by from the other direction. They both had an animated conversation. The guy handed over his collection to the woman. The woman then pointed him off in the direction she had come from.  The woman then walked into Bala's and started going around the tables with a sad look on her face.

The other day a Rohingya type woman was walking around asking for money. I was between the ATM, waiting for my daughter and picking up somethings from the store all on the same street. So I crossed paths with the woman more than once. The second time I saw her she received a phone call on her mobile phone ! !  She was really embarrassed and tucked into a restaurant to take the call.  A beggar with a handphone. I suppose business is not too bad.

These are the professional con artists. They are not destitutes.  They are not preying on your generosity. They are preying on the peoples' stupidity. And I must tell you there are so many stupid and gullible people around.  

Giving them RM1 is nothing.  I see people giving RM5 without flinching, especially if the con-beggars are wearing a kopiah, a tudung, carry those letters with arabic writing, "letter" from some orphanage etc. Or if they are from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan etc. 

By the way the Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Afghanistan beggars are back in full force. For a few years their numbers decreased substantially but they are back again. Someone in Immigration is closing "one eye" again - taking money.

The country is full of stupid people. Or not clever people. 

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A conman like Tin Sadin had convinced hundreds of thousands of people into believing that he was a 'holy man'.  A fellow told me that 500,000 people attended Tin Sadin's funeral.  Well it means you can quantify it then. There are at least 500,000 stupid people.    

Now there are the same thousands being conned by Bawang. The same applies - they are stupid. 

Super Moron's supporters are not stupid. They are just in it for the money. They are hypocrites. They are dedak eaters. They are hangers on. So they have to say all those stupid things. They have no choice. 

But the people who wanted to give those islands to Zakir Naik are stupid.  Those people who are now fighting on his behalf, who want him to be given PR status here in Malaysia are stupid. Not very clever people. 

A large number of people in the country are not very clever. And yes there is a racial and religious divide.

Obviously they are getting the wrong type of education. Education is not just school textbooks but the entire ecosystem of learning. Their ecosystem is not very clever.

Religion depends 100% on the irrational and the illogical.  They say "Kita tidak boleh gunakan lojik dalam agama".  Therein also lies the answer. 

Question : What is the biggest danger in being stupid? 

Answer  : You do not know you are stupid. - ostb

Image may contain: 7 people, people sitting and text

Husam suruh aku tanya...bila???

Lawak Hari Sabtu...

Apa yang pelik...


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