Pyongyang kepada Putrajaya - Kami tak percaya hangpa...

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Pyongyang kepada Putrajaya - Kami tak percaya hangpa...

Photo published for We cannot trust Malaysian investigation, says North Korea
Korea Utara bidas Malaysia

Pyongyang hari ini membidas pihak berkuasa Malaysia yang membuat pendirian bercanggah berhubung penyiasatan pembunuhan kematian abang pemimpin Korea Utara, berkata ia tidak mempercayai siasatan polis Malaysia.

Duta Korea Utara, Kang Chol menjelaskan, pihaknya kesal apabila tidak dimaklumkan tentang siasatan dilakukan polis terhadap rakyatnya.

“Sudah 7 hari sejak kejadian berlaku, tetapi tidak ada bukti kukuh sebab kematian dan pada masa ini, kami tidak mempercayai siasatan dijalankan polis walaupun keputusan bedah siasat akan diketahui.

“Sebaliknya, ia hanya menambahkan lagi rasa ragu-ragu kami kemungkinan ada pihak lain yang terlibat di sebalik siasatan ini,” katanya dalam satu sidang media, di Kedutaan Korea Utara, di Jalan Batai, hari ini.

Sebelum ini, Wisma Putra bertindak memanggil Kang ekoran kenyataannya yang mendakwa Putrajaya “menyembunyikan sesuatu” serta “berpakat dan bersekongkol dengan pihak luar”.

Kementerian Luar berkata, tuduhan Kang sebagai tidak berasas dan sekaligus mencemarkan reputasi negara ini.

Malaysia sebaliknya, memberi jaminan akan menjalankan siasatan secara telus ke atas kematian Kim Jong Nam dan memaklumkan perkembangan siasatan itu kepada Kedutaan Korea Utara.

Sewaktu sidang media dijalankan, Kang dilihat tidak menggelarkan abang pemimpin Korea Utara, Kim Jong Un itu sebagai Jong Nam sebaliknya memanggilnya sebagai Kim Chol. 

Bagi menyelesaikan perkara itu, Korea Utara mencadangkan pihaknya diberikan peluang terlibat dalam siasatan dilakukan polis.

“Kami mencadangkan agar siasatan bersama dilakukan agar perkara ini lebih jelas. Jika Malaysia bersetuju dengan cadangan kami, kami akan mengutuskan deligasi peguam,” katanya.

Selain itu, Korea Utara juga meminta agar pihaknya diberikan peluang bertemu 2 suspek yang dipercayai terlibat dalam pembunuhan Jong Nam.

“Ada sesetengah pihak yang menyatakan 2 suspek itu diarahkan pihak lain. Kami berminat untuk mendengar sendiri daripada suspek bagi mengetahui siapakah yang mengarahkannya,” katanya.

Tambah Kang, tindakan polis menyimpan mayat Jong Nam terlalu lama juga dilihat sebagai motif politik dan dilihat seolah-olah bekerjasama dengan Korea Selatan.

“Media Korea Selatan melaporkan kematian warga Korea Utara dengan nama lain sehari selepas kejadian. Kami pula dimaklumkan polis Malaysia pada keesokan petang tentang kematian itu.

“Bagaimana mungkin Korea Selatan dapat mengeluarkan laporan tentang kematiannya dengan nama lain sebelum kami tahu?” katanya.

Kang berkata, tindakan polis yang tidak memakai seragam polis menyerbu kediaman rakyatnya dan menahan tanpa sebarang waran atau bukti jelas melanggar hak asasi manusia.

“Mereka juga menyiarkan di televisyen tentang kejadian penahanan itu. Ini dikira pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang besar.

“Malah mereka turut mengacukan pistol ke arah ahli keluarga untuk mengugut nyawa mereka dan memukul anak lelakinya di rumah. Ini pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang hanya dilihat di dalam filem geng Amerika Syarikat,” katanya.

Isnin lalu, Jong Nam yang dijadualkan berlepas ke Macau pada jam 9 pagi itu, didatangi 2 wanita yang menyembur sejenis cecair dan menyerkup mukanya dengan sehelai kain di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2). 

Abang sebapa kepada pemimpin Korea Utara itu meninggal dunia ketika dalam perjalanan ke hospital selepas meminta bantuan di kaunter khidmat pelanggan klia2. - fmt

We don’t trust you, North Korea slams Malaysia

Image result for Kim Jong Nam assassination full and clear

M'sian cops threatened suspect's family 
at gunpoint, beat his son...

This afternoon, North Korean ambassador Kang Chol accused Malaysian police of threatening the family of a North Korean citizen, and beating up the latter's son when they raided his condominium in Kuala Lumpur.

During a press conference at the embassy in Kuala Lumpur, the envoy read out a five-page statement.

"Last Friday night, Malaysian plainclothes police raided the condominium of our citizen here in Kuala Lumpur and forcibly arrested him without any warrant or evidence and made it public that they arrested the mastermind before any form of inquiry began.

"They also aired on TV the scene that (the) said person was arrested in fetters. This is a grave human rights abuse.

"They even pointed guns at his family members to threaten their lives and beat his teenage son in the face. This is the human rights abuse that can be seen only in US gang films," he said.

The hard-hitting statement comes in the wake of Wisma Putra disclosing that Kang Chol would be summoned to explain his remarks that appeared to insinuate that the Malaysian government had something to conceal.

The 15-minutes press conference was called by Kang this evening to level allegations of Malaysia's unjust behaviour against North Korea following police investigation on the death of Jong-nam.

'Political plot'

Commenting on this, Kang said Malaysia's request for a DNA sample from the next-of-kin before releasing Jong-nam's body was "preposterous".

"Where can we find out the precedent that the body of the deceased with clear citizenship is released after the DNA sample is provided ?" he said.

"It is normal to test the DNA to identify the identification and the next-of-kin of the deceased that the body was rotted, burnt or turn into skeleton.

"As long as the citizenship is clear, his identification is confirmed by the embassy which is in charge of his consular rights and moreover he is diplomatic passport holder, such request could be regarded as political plot behind the incident," he said.- mk

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Ulama PAS hadiahkan isteri kereta Audi Q7?

Tular di media sosial sejak malam tadi pengakuan difahamkan isteri muda kepada Ketua Penerangan Dewan Ulamak Pas Pusat, Datuk Dr Khairuddin Aman Razali at-Takiri menerima hadiah kereta Audi Q7.

Menggunakan nama, "Datin Norhayati Abd Malek" pada akaun Facebook, usahawan barangan kosmetik terbabit memberitahu pemberian suaminya itu dapat diguna untuk "merayap" ke rumah beberapa rakannya di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.

"Kti (Kak Norhayati) dapat hadiah kereta dari En Somi (suami)" diikuti simbol wajah dengan mata lambang hati sebelum menyambung, "Audi Q7... bolehlah merayap rumah Zuraidah Yusof, Asikin Tajul, Saemah Mamat yang duduk area KL," seperti dipetik dari akaun Facebook beliau.

Walau bagaimanapun, semakan Malaysia Dateline pagi ini mendapati 'posting' tersebut yang turut melampirkan foto kereta berharga kira-kira RM600,000 itu telah dipadam manakala status Norhayati yang dimuat naik awal pagi tadi memberitahu dirinya sedang bersedih.

"Waktu sedih macam ni tiba-tiba teringat kat Kekanda Yang Teramat Mulia Tunku Soraya yang selalu bagi kekuatan kat kti," luahnya.

Sementara itu, bukti Norhayati isteri kepada Khairuddin dapat dikenalpasti apabila wanita berkenaan pada 15 Februari lalu memuat naik gambar pemimpin Pas yang memusuhi Amanah dan DAP itu berkemeja-T jalur merah jambu dan berkaca mata sedang bersiar-siar di kawasan berpasir bersama kanak-kanak dipercayai anaknya.

"Balik ganu (Terengganu) bila kita panggil depa (mereka) 'dik bagi akk (akak) air kelapa, depa tengok je muka kti lama-lama.. .

"Tak, saya memang kakak dari adik, saya isteri YB Kuala Nerus.. Terpaksalah berjela-jela dok terang kat depa bila depa beliakkan mata tengok kti," ujarnya yang difahamkan berasal dari Kedah mengikut profil beliau di Facebook.

Tindakan Norhayati mengumumkan hadiah yang diterima daripada Ahli Parlimen Kuala Nerus di Terengganu itu dianggap ramai netizen sebagai melampau memandangkan statusnya sebagai isteri kepada pemimpin yang kononnya parti Islam.

Namun, ada juga yang dipercayai penyokong Pas menganggap tidak perlu berdengki dengan rezeki orang lain kerana Norhayati adalah seorang ahli perniagaan sebelum dibidas netizen bahawa Audi Q7 itu bukan dibelinya sendiri sebaliknya jelas dihadiahkan suaminya yang merupakan seorang wakil rakyat.

Kecenderungan menayangkan kereta mewah di Facebook itu mengulang perangai sama beberapa pemimpin Pas sebelum ini antaranya Ketua Dewan Ulamak Pas Pahang, Ustaz Mokhtar Senik.

Mokhtar yang mutakhir ini kerap dilihat tampil di khalayak dengan jari kanan bertutup kain seperti pada Himpunan RUU 355 lepas turut memuat naik dua foto kereta mewah yang digelarnya 'kuda-kuda hitam' di Facebook, 14 Januari lalu.

Namun, itu bukan kali pertama dia yang pernah tiga tahun ditahan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) kerana terbabit dengan kumpulan Al-Maunah berbuat demikian kerana pada 17 Disember 2015 Mokhtar dikesan memuat naik gambar kereta Mercedes miliknya di media sosial tersebut.rakyat marhaen

"Kalau kau rasa UMNO terok terhadap Islam dan Melayu, bayangkan sekiranya DAP berkuasa"...

My earliest recollection of DAP was the Red Rocket. That was what I know of the DAP in my early teens. I did not know who was leading the DAP, I did not know who were members of the DAP, no idea what their political ideologies were....not a brass farthing. Apart from that Red Rocket I had this idea that the DAP was a communist party...a Chinese party. 

A political party up to no good and wanting to take away from the Malays what little the Malays then had. Where that idea originated I am unsure. Certainly it did not come from my late father because we never discussed politics in our time together. It must have come from my peers with whom I might have, from to time, discussed these things. 

Today I know much more about the DAP. For a start I spent 2009 or thereabouts writing articles for Lim Kit Siang Blog. In that time I read also what Kit Siang posted in his own blog and the many comments by others who read what he posted. When you do this on a regular basis you get a sense and a feel of what DAP and Lim Kit Siang stood for. Overwhelmingly I felt that DAP was making a concerted effort to make itself into a political entity for all Malaysians. 

I have no problems with DAP....but many Malays do. For them the DAP is a clear and present danger to all Malays and to Islam and if asked they will have their reasons for thinking so. There are enough of these anti DAP Malays out there not only for DAP to worry about but also for all right thinking Malaysians to worry about because nothing will cause the fragmentation of our Malaysian society quite like the ignorance of those who think themselves so right in mistakenly accusing the DAP of being a threat to the Malays and to Islam.  

"Soalan aku , dalam bahasa mudah, macam mana kau semacam (secara langsung atau tidak langsung) sokong dap yang terang-terang tidak mesra Islam dan Melayu?! Kalau kau rasa umno terok terhadap Islam dan Melayu, bayangkan sekiranya dap berkuasa." 
Why would someone, who I thought could think for himself, believe that if DAP ever came into government, the Malays and Islam would suffer? Why? What did he think DAP would do to Islam and to the Malays if the DAP ever won government? Banish Islam to the ends of the earth and have the Malays discriminated against in all things Malaysians? 

And yet even as I despair, there are others who think differently This came to me just a few minutes ago: 

"I followed UMNO's reign in Penang for all those years. In the beginning, UMNO can rule Penang alone! It had majority by itself. Don't need MCA or MIC. But slowly, both orang Melayu and China gave up on UMNO. Melayu left and Chinese also left MCA. Gerakan got the support for a while but now, both Melayu and China support DAP."

So maybe all is not lost. 

But while we celebrate diversity let us also hope that there will be enough of us around to do what is the right for our nation and for our people. While I am a Malay and you, my reader, may not be one, let us measure each other by our ability to treat others as we would like others to treat us. And in this I know that the DAP will not fail us. By any criteria you would care to measure it, umno already has. - Hussein A.Hamid,steadyaku47  

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Egypt still in trouble 3 1/2 years after Al-Sisi,
Malays in trouble after 47 years NEP...

Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has now been in power for three and a half years. In consolidating his rule, Sisi has based his claim to legitimacy on a formula familiar to authoritarian regimes: wrapping oneself in the flag of patriotism, along with promises for economic betterment and stability for the population in return for its acquiescence to a de-politicization of society. Also in use is harsh repression of political opposition, severe checks on independent civil society organizations, including the media, and restrictions on judicial independence.

Until recently, this formula appeared to be working. In addition, the need to cope with an ongoing violent jihadist insurgency in Sinai and accompanying terrorist attacks further confirmed public support for Sisi. His recent high-profile attendance at the Coptic Christmas celebrations, just two weeks after a horrific jihadist bombing in an adjacent church, was a strong statement of support for the beleaguered Copt minority. Continue Reading...

Image result for egypt

Ostb : What is happening is that Egyptian society is facing a situation where their car has run out of fuel, they have got out of their cars, they are standing by the roadside and they do not know what to do. 

This will soon happen in Malaysia. It has to happen in Malaysia. 

The main difference is that in Egypt it affects everyone equally, especially the poor.

In Malaysia it will affect the Malays and some other Muslims more than the non Muslims.

Look at the highlights in yellow. Isnt this what has happened here already?

Now look at the highlights in red above. Former KSU of the Finance Ministry Tan Sri Sheriff Kassim recently wrote an open letter to the prime minister saying that the govt should trim the civil service now before they run out of money to pay salaries for our 1.6 million civil servants.

That is what the IMF has imposed upon Egypt.  Meaning yes their Civil Service is bloated and they must cut it down.

Isnt the Malaysian Civil Service also bloated?

Ok here is the soalan cepu mas. How many per cent of the Malaysian Civil Service is non Malay (Chinese, Indian etc)?  5%?   

Meaning the majority of Civil Servants are Malays. If the gomen is forced to cut the Civil Service (and they will have to, they have little choice) then what will those mostly Malay Civil Servants do? 

Can they all become Uber drivers? Can they all sell nasi lemak? Not likely. 

The vast majority of Chinese are already independent of subsidies and independent of the gomen. They will continue surviving - although they too will suffer a slowdown.  

The CIA World Fact Book says about Malaysia :

Population:  30,949,962 (July 2016 est.)

Ethnic groups:  Malay 50.1%, Chinese 22.6%, indigenous 11.8%, Indian 6.7%, other 0.7%, non-citizens 8.2% (2010 est.)

Going by these numbers, about half the population will run out of fuel. They will not know what else to do. 

The other half will know what to do. They may not run out of fuel yet. 

This is not good. But there are extremely easy solutions. 

Much better than simply firing the Civil Servants. - ostb

Rafizi kongsi emel rintihan bapa pelajar UniKL

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Ni bukan perempuan,bukan wanita...tapi ini lelaki...
Tangkap satu *LELAKI* yang merupai perempuan di Surau Sunway Carnivall,Seberang Jaya.Menyamar nak sembahyang tapi mencuri handbag orang. Ada banyak kes2 yangg lama cam ni. Minta Anda Berhati2...


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