NST akui depa fitnah...

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NST akui depa fitnah...

NST admits story on Anwar
 'fixing judges' was baseless...

Lawyer Ranjit Singh Mahinder Singh has tendered an apology to PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim for the publication of articles in 2013 allegedly implying that he was a dishonest politician involved in money laundering activities, while New Straits Times agreed that the story was baseless.

The lawyer also apologised to the late Karpal Singh who was alleged to have received RM50 million from Anwar to fix judges.

Ranjit read out his apology in court, saying he "unequivocally and unreservedly apologise for my statements".

The statement he was referring to was published by the NST on Aug 6, 2013 on Page 10 titled "Prove you have nothing to hide".

"I further apologise for having called both Anwar and Karpal Singh to declare their assets to the public in order to prove they were clean and to clear themselves of unproven and unsubstantiated allegations against them in relations to judiciary fixing and corruption.

"I understand that my statements had negative insinuations and I unreservedly apologise to Anwar and the late Karpal and their families," Ranjit added. 

The NST said in a statement that it acknowledged that the impugned article including but not limited to the headline was "baseless" in light of Ranjit's apology.

The NST will pay cost amounting to RM60,000 to Anwar.

It is learnt that NST will publish the said apology in its newspaper tomorrow.

Ranjit's legal team was led by Baljit Singh, Teoh Guat Cheng and Kenail Singh, while NST was represented by M Reza Hassan, Ellia Zuraina Mat Zin and Umni Farhana Mohd Nasir. 

According to Anwar's lawyer S Raveentharan, the settlement was initiated by Ranjit, the first defendant, to which his client (Anwar) consented.

Led by Sangeet Kaur Deo, the others in Anwar's legal team were Ramkarpal Singh and Yusmadi Yusof. 

After a two-hour negotiation in chambers between the parties, the court was adjourned to 2.30pm.

The consent order was recorded before High Court judge Rosilah Yop.

Negotiations went on from 9.30am to 12.30pm, and from 2.30pm to 4pm. Anwar was only brought into court at 4.05pm.

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Asked later why he did not proceed with the case, Anwar replied: "They have agreed to apologise, so I am okay with it."

He also said he was satisfied that his reputation and that of Karpal's and their families have been "cleared".

Initially, in August 2013, Anwar filed a RM70 million defamation suit against the lawyer, the newspaper, and its two reporters for the articles published in the NST on Aug 6, 2013 and Feb 3, 2014.

Ranjit was sued together with reporters Looi Sue-Chern and Adrian Lai and NST Press Bhd. Looi is no longer with the NST.

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Anwar claimed that the defendants allegedly slandered and accused him of being involved in judiciary fixing, hiding his assets and bank accounts.

He said the articles accused him of "unprofessional and dishonest conduct".

Anwar said the defendants accused him of paying the late Karpal a total of RM50 million, of being involved in money laundering, of bribing judges and prosecutors and of using the Bar Council as a tool for his politics.

Earlier, Penang High Court was packed with Anwar's supporters and reporters. Police refused to allow many of them into the court earlier.

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It is learnt that the police restricted public entry into the court, which was on the first floor of the old court building opposite Dewan Sri Pinang on Light Street, due to the court's limited capacity. 

Despite his limited time at the Penang High Court today, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim managed to share some light moments with his supporters in the public gallery.

"I miss Penang especially the nasi kandar and pasembor," he told the small crowd gathered at Court Room 4.

His wife Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and daughter Nurul Izzah was in court as well.

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Reporters were warned not to ask him any questions beyond the court case, to which Anwar replied: "Go ahead, ask. There is no law against asking questions."

"However, I cannot guarantee what will happen to you later after you ask questions," he said jokingly.

Anwar was in good spirit, sporting a black suit and white shirt but looked as though he has lost more weight.

Again, Anwar joked about how there was "more harassment, less food" if he spoke to reporters during court appearances.

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See how much weight I have lost," he quipped, tapping his flat tummy.

Agenda, not person important as PM

When asked on the recent survey which showed respondents favouring Dr Mahathir Mohamad over Anwar as prime minister, the latter seemed unperturbed.

"The person is not important but the agenda is... The agenda of reform, democracy, justice and independence of the judiciary, that is what is most important, not who becomes PM."

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Anwar managed to speak to his supporters and Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for about 10 minutes before the court went into session.

He told his supporters that Lim was the best chief minister for Penang and they must give him the full support.

"Just jail me enough, do not jail Lim, Rafizi (Ramli) or others," said Anwar.

He was referring to PKR Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli who was recently sentenced to 18-month jail under the Official Secrets Act.

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Anwar also threw his support for the appointment of Saifuddin Nasution Ismail as strategic advisor to the chief minister.

"He will be able to contribute to Penang," Anwar said.

Before leaving the court at about 4.30pm, Anwar asked if he could return to Sungai Buloh through Permatang Pauh, his former constituency.

About 100 supporters chanted "reformasi" as Anwar waved at them from a police car. - mk

Only Anwar Ibrahim knows 
what Anwar Ibrahim wants...

All that can be done by one human being to another to humiliate, embarrass, degrade, debase, demean, discredit, disgrace, dishonour, shame, belittle, diminish, ridicule, defame, defile, malign, slander, insult, censure and denounce this man has been done by those who are most threatened by his presence.  

And yet he walks with his head held high. Anytime he is in the public domain it is all his "bodyguards" could do to prevent this man from being swamped by the adulation, respect and love bordering on reverence that many Malaysians have for him and in their enthusiasm to show that love and respect to him.

Everyday people talk of him as if he is still in their midst. They talk of him as if he has never left them. All that they do not have is his physical presence....in spirit and in all other respect, he is still among them. 

He is Anwar Ibrahim. 

When others seek refuge in parts unknown against their all powerful detractors, Anwar stood firm and told his detractors to come and take him and do what they want with him. 

While others capitulate and surrender their principles and beliefs to live the good life and wallow in dedak, Anwar Ibrahim only knew one thing : Lawan Mesti Lawan ...no matter the costs, no matter what they do to his physical self!

He alone is able to give the credibility that PPBM needed to stand against Umno and be assured that with Anwar on their side, PPBM will have the best chance of giving Umno a run for its money.

Now if from inside Sungai Buloh Anwar Ibrahim can do all this....can you begin to imagine what he can do when he is outside? When he ia among his own people - those who were with him during the Reformasi era, those who are with him during the Pakatan Rakyat era in  PRU13 and those who are with him now as the opposition once again morphed into a cohesive entity with PPBM. 

PAS is still a work in progress -with Anwar Ibrahim anything is possible even if PAS is already sleeping with the enemy!

With Anwar Ibrahim in Sungai Buloh anything is possible. With Anwar Ibrahim out of Sungai Buloh what do you think will happen to Najib, Umno and BN? What?

Anwar Ibrahim has transcends his physical self. With or without him, his ideas, his presence and his insistence for us to lawan mesti lawan until we win, reverberate across racial and religious divide....across any divide!  

And too many Malaysians now live their lives through Anwar Ibrahim to allow Anwar Ibrahim to be forgotten or to fail.

The question now is what does Anwar Ibrahim wants to do. What does Anwar Ibrahim wants done. And how will he want to manage the opposition together with Kit Siang and Mahathir.

Only Anwar Ibrahim knows what Anwar Ibrahim wants. - Hussein Abd.Hamid@steadyaku47  

NST akui siar kenyataan tak berasas berkaitan Anwar

Anwar rindu 'nasi kandar dan pasembor'

Image result for Generasi Miskin dan Baghal...
Dasar bangang oleh pembikin dasar yang bangang...
Generasi Miskin dan Baghal... 

Makcik Kiah masa kecil2 tahun 60an dulu seorang pelajar yang pintar.  tetapi kerana kemiskinan, kerana dia anak sulung ditambah dengan adik2 yang ramai terpaksa mengorbankan pelajarannya, terpaksa membantu keluarga agar adik2 yang lain dapat teruskan pelajaran.

Tak pernah kita terfikir yang senario ini akan berulang kembali pada tahun 2017…60 tahun selepas merdeka dan berbaki tiga tahun sebelum kita melangkah menuju negara maju.  Pada hari ini berapa ramai anak2 melayu khususnya yang terkandas bukan kerana tidak pandai tetapi tidak mampu untuk meneruskan pelajaran.

9A dalam SPM tidak membawa apa2 makna lagi kerana biasiswa sudah hampir pupus.  Tempat untuk ke universiti awam sangat terhad, swasta mencecah 50-60 ribu setahun dan PTPTN kita tahu lebih memudaratkan daripada membantu.  

Jurusan yang diminati tidak disokong, maka akhirnya anak2 terpaksa berpuashati dengan bidang yang langsung tidak diminati.  Kos sara hidup yang tinggi menyebabkan ibubapa tenggelam punca menabung duit sen-sen demi menyambung pendidikan anak2.  Kalau iman sudah menipis, dia pasti sanggup mencuri bahkan membunuh demi anak2.

Seorang rakan bercerita bagaimana dia cuba memujuk anaknya untuk menukar bidang daripada perubatan kepada kejuruteraan kerana perubatan tidak lagi mendapat tempat dinegara ini dan kosnya mencecah jutaan ringgit.  Si anak tidak membantah cuma berkata…”kita suka menjadi doktor bukan kerana nak jadi kaya, tetapi nak membantu memberi rawatan kepada orang miskin dan menyelamatkan sebanyak mungkin nyawa. 

Setidaknya itu jihad kita untuk membalas jasa mak dan abah, juga jihad untuk agama, bangsa dan negara.”  Si ayah tidak terkata apa2.  Hari ini si anak sudah 4 tahun mengaji untuk jadi doktor dengan keputusan cemerlang, tetapi tiada sesiapa pun yang tampil membantu.    

Kerajaan kemudian menukar PMR kepada PT3.  Anak jiran yang seorang lagi mendapat keputusan cemerlang.  Memang boleh sahaja diserap ke sekolah berasrama penuh, tetapi kerana menyahut seruan kerajaan melahirkan insan berkemahiran, kebetulan si anak memang ada sedikit bakat maka dihantar ke kolej vokasional.  

Tup-tup hari ini keluar berita lulusan diploma KV tidak diiktiraf dan tidak boleh menyambung ke university jika tiada sijil SPM.  Apa ke jadahnya mahu SPM lagi kalau sudah 4 tahun berhempas pulas mendapatkan diploma?

Image result for diploma kv tidak diiktiraf

Tahun lepas setengah juta pelajar menduduki peperiksaan UPSR dengan format baru yang susahnya macam SPM.  Keputusan jatuh mendadak apabila hanya 4000 sahaja mendapat semua A berbanding lebih 40 ribu pada tahun tahun sebelumnya.  Jika kualiti yang dicari…nah sudah tersedia didepan mata, namun tanpa modal yang mencukupi apa peluang anak2 ini untuk ke peringkat yang seterusnya?  jika yang 4000 sudah tercekik, yang lagi 496000 bagaimana pula? 

Hari ini semua mesti bayar sendiri.  Ramai ibubapa yang kecewa.  Yang ada tiga anak sudah azab, yang ada 5, 7, 10 anak bagaimana?  Mereka yang sudah “give-up” akan berkata “buat apa suruh anak belajar tinggi-tinggi? Last-last berhutang juga, baik terus kerja, baik kahwin dengan menteri, baik jadi orang biasa-biasa jual goreng pisang.”  

Apa jawapan kita kepada soalan-soalan kecewa seperti diatas?  Adakah menteri bertugas masih boleh mendabik dada konon dasar-dasar yang direkanya berjaya?  Apakah dana2 yang dikata sudah sedikit itu mengalir ke tempat yang sepatutnya atau sudah masuk ke kocek sendiri menjadi jam-jam tangan mewah, menjadi ‘mansion’, kereta sport dan jongkong-jongkong emas?  Atau ditabur kepada manusia paling tak berguna, pakai baju merah bikin kecoh demi mengekalkan kuasa?

Nation building bermula dengan pendidikan berkualiti dan mampu buat semua rakyat Malaysia. Berkualiti dan murah apabila kerajaan menyediakan perbagai inisiatif membantu mereka yang ada usaha, ada sedikit kepandaian dan kemahiran.  

“Spare no expense” pada tempat yang betul, janganlah terlalu berkira untuk mewariskan negara ini kepada anak2 yang bakal mewarisi.

Peliknya apabila pasukan bolasepak negeri tiada penaja, maka gegak gempitalah menteri-menteri, kerabat dan tokoh politik mengherdik syarikat korporat, agensi kerajaan pusat dan negeri kerana tidak turun membantu.  Tidak sampai 2 minggu beritanya menghuni muka hadapan (bukan muka sport di belakang lagi), selesailah segala isu…semua happy dan business is back as usual.

Kita marah menteri bodoh dan bangang.  Kita pun sama bangang juga. 

Semoga Allah selamatkan negara ini dan gantikan pemimpin celaka kepada pemimpin yang berjiwa beragama. - penulis tanpa nama,ostb

Practise what you preach,
NGO tells ‘fork-tongued’ PM...

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has been urged to lead by example on his reminder to civil servants this morning not to take what rightfully belongs to the people.

“Our message to Najib is practise what you preach. The best way to stem graft in the public sector is leadership by example,” said Center to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4) founder Cynthia Gabriel.

She said Najib could return the RM42 million that went into his personal bank account, allegedly from SRC International Sdn Bhd, the former subsidiary of 1MDB.

“A Chinese adage says that the fish rots from the head. It is imperative that Najib shows the way if he expects the civil service to be cleaned up,” she said in a text message to Malaysiakini.

Speaking at the monthly assembly of the Prime Minister’s Department this morning, Najib told the civil servants that corruption cases highlighted wastage by officials and would reduce public confidence in the government.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) recently detained the secretary-general of a ministry, his two sons and a former chief executive officer of a government agency in connection with corruption, money-laundering and abuse of power allegations.

Concurring with C4’s position, Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah said Najib should explain the RM2.6 billion donation and RM42 million found in his personal bank account and what he did with the money.

“His statement reeks of irony and hypocrisy, considering that the 1MDB elephant in the room remains unaddressed,” she said.

“Najib needs to get off his high horse and answer for the billions of ringgit found in his personal accounts first, before preaching to others,” she added.

There were many also instances of wastage in the administration that went unresolved and unanswered, according to Maria.

“Malaysians are disappointed and continue to be disappointed by Najib’s stubborn refusal to take responsibility, while ministers live the high life at the expense of the people burdened by rising costs of living and a slumping economy,” she said.

The prime minister has denied abusing public funds for personal gain and has been cleared of any wrongdoing by the attorney-general.

Meanwhile, Gabriel called for follow-up action on other high-profile graft cases, especially the case involving a high-ranking officer with the Kuala Lumpur City Council.

The senior officer, with the “Datuk Seri” title, was arrested in August 2016. He was reported to own 31 luxury condominium units worth more than RM15.5 million.

“Is the Attorney-General’s Chambers prioritising the criminalising of graft? Is it giving the wrong message, with the lack of action or delays? And allowing the civil servants to get away?” Cynthia asked.

“MACC’s independence must be fully upgraded in order to fight real and grand corruption. MACC officers should not be transferred out for doing their job,” she said. - mk

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Former Tekun CEO charged to 2 counts of corruption 
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

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Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Geram pulak aku dengan syarikat bekalan air Selangor ni. Kejadahnya hantar bil tapi tak perlu bayar apa-apa? Baik tak payah hantar bil. RM 11.97 tu pehal memandai-mandai kerajaan negeri nak tanggung? Ingat aku tak mampu ke? Duit BR1M aku tahun lepas berlambak lagi. Kalau deposit Proton Iriz aku mampu bayar, takkan bil air tak mampu? - f/bk


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